Anyone got any experience using LED lights to grow?


Active Member
Example here:

Hey people, I'm investing in some new equipment. (yay...)

I came across this (sorta...) cheap grow light and I thought I'd ask your opinion if this is worth buying.

I'm going to be buying 1 light per plant.
So yeah 1 light. :joint:

I'm going to be growing the weed outdoors in a makeshift grow tent (to keep all the nasties out) in a remote area less than 100m away from my home. Because of the shit weather I'm getting the light to aid the sun which im going to hook up to a decent battery/s.

I'd grow indoors but fuck getting bust.

So yeah please tell me your experiences with LED lighting, Thank you.

Keep on toking.


Well-Known Member
Check out my set up in the link on my sig. Forget those cheap panels if you are going to grow some bud. You get what you pay for.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you are better off with HID.

LED is an awesome technology, but cheap it is not. Plan on spending significantly more on a good LED setup than an HID if you want good results.


Active Member
When buying an LED light, you need to consider the LED's they use. You want a light that uses 1W LED's as increasing the wattage reduces the output, which means less light. Also, the smaller the LED the more intense the light. 1W 3mm LED's would provide the most light and be the most efficient but if you notice the photosynthesis is stunted you might consider 5mm or 10mm.

also, for prefabbed and DIY lights, try to keep the angle at about 65 degrees. the more focused it is, the less light will get beneath the canopy.