Anyone Flower with 6500K?


Well-Known Member
Is it okay to keep a few 6500k Bulbs in the Flowering Cycle or do they really need the 2700k that much?

Has anyone flowered with 6500k only?




Well-Known Member
The CFL forum in the indoor growing would be your best bet.

Though I'm sure it will flower. How well is a different story. probably not that bad, but just a guess. Find better people at CFLs then me.


Well-Known Member
Okay thanks GoGrow, and how are they coming along?

I think im going to use 2x 2700k and a 6500k.


as Tony would say, "they're grrrreat!!". i guess im kinda cheatin on your question tho, cause i have two cfls for side lighting which are 2700K (85w), but primary light is the 400w mh. im about three weeks away from chopping the first of them, but the colas are rock hard and purdy.


Well-Known Member
haahaaaa.....that dude totally tried to hijack the shit out of this thread.....haaaahahahaaa......anyway.....plants will flower under any cfl....its the photoperiod that causes the flowering not the light the type of buds you yeild have everything to do with the rating.....if you use a veg rated light to flower you get really fluffy loose harsh smoking buds....but if all your looking for is bud they will work..but the smike will be much better with thr proper lighting......


haahaaaa.....that dude totally tried to hijack the shit out of this thread.....haaaahahahaaa......anyway.....plants will flower under any cfl....its the photoperiod that causes the flowering not the light the type of buds you yeild have everything to do with the rating.....if you use a veg rated light to flower you get really fluffy loose harsh smoking buds....but if all your looking for is bud they will work..but the smike will be much better with thr proper lighting......

as i just stated, i flower under a metal halide and i have rock hard colas, not "really fluffly loose, etc. buds".


New Member
I also flower under MH, and the buds are as tight as fdd's butt. I hate how everyone want so to change to a red spectrum for flowering as if the sun doesnt have a full spectrum.
I have also used 6500 cfl's to flower. I thought the buds were primo, granted, the buds werent as hard as under HID. They were sticky however and smoked smoothly.