Anyone else use a hookah?


New Member
Dies anyone else here use a hookah? I do but I've heard that it wastes weed. Is this true?
do you get high when you use it?

is the bowl you use capable of packing "one hitters"?

hookahs tend to leave stale smoke in the bong unless you have a couple of people "rocking it up"


New Member
Yah, it's a party pipe and really todays water pipes blow them away.

In my younger days i had a nice glass one which my parents (who were ahead of their time) decided I could keep that stuff and weed in my room. They figured it was better than me out on the streets smoking (correct). Of course my room was the neighborhood party place. So one cold ass day I had cleaned it up nice. My mom was having company and moved it into the attic so she wouldn't have to explain anything more than the full ceiling to floor mural of the grateful dead i had painted :lol:.
Well, I went into my room later (I was out), and I couldn't find my stash or my hookah. Mom was like, "I put it in the garage attic so Aunt Mildred wouldn't see it"... Okay no sweat thanx. I go into the attic and pick it up....but it had frozen right to the wood because it had been cleaned and was still wet and it promptly split the bottom in half. I was mortified!!
My mom felt terrible and promptly replaced it for me. How's that for kewl?! Thanx Mom!! Kind of makes up for all those Gawd awful Lima beans she made me eat :lol:

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Yah, it's a party pipe and really todays water pipes blow them away.

In my younger days i had a nice glass one which my parents (who were ahead of their time) decided I could keep that stuff and weed in my room. They figured it was better than me out on the streets smoking (correct). Of course my room was the neighborhood party place. So one cold ass day I had cleaned it up nice. My mom was having company and moved it into the attic so she wouldn't have to explain anything more than the full ceiling to floor mural of the grateful dead i had painted :lol:.
Well, I went into my room later (I was out), and I couldn't find my stash or my hookah. Mom was like, "I put it in the garage attic so Aunt Mildred wouldn't see it"... Okay no sweat thanx. I go into the attic and pick it up....but it had frozen right to the wood because it had been cleaned and was still wet and it promptly split the bottom in half. I was mortified!!
My mom felt terrible and promptly replaced it for me. How's that for kewl?! Thanx Mom!! Kind of makes up for all those Gawd awful Lima beans she made me eat :lol:

out. :blsmoke:
you have a hella sick mom haha. I grow with my mom now but it wasn't always like this, not really in a bad way though, not a DARE mom.

and for hookahs, bongs and bubbler's blow them away but they're cool every now and then.


Well-Known Member
I'm getting a light up hookah off of gorilla glass just as an extra order, but I doubt I'll use it besides with friends.


New Member
you have a hella sick mom haha. I grow with my mom now but it wasn't always like this, not really in a bad way though, not a DARE mom.

and for hookahs, bongs and bubbler's blow them away but they're cool every now and then.

Yah, my Mom and Dad were smart enough to realize that i was not going to quit smoking weed, so they gave me a comfortable environment to do it in. Even got me a pool table in my bedroom (it was a big ass bedroom) and a couch fold away sleeper as a bed.

Of course today they would be arrested and the family destroyed by the nazi police. Ahhh, the 70's...I miss them.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Yah, my Mom and Dad were smart enough to realize that i was not going to quit smoking weed, so they gave me a comfortable environment to do it in. Even got me a pool table in my bedroom (it was a big ass bedroom) and a couch fold away sleeper as a bed.

Of course today they would be arrested and the family destroyed by the nazi police. Ahhh, the 70's...I miss them.

out. :blsmoke:
not in california my friend haha. well that's how it was for me, I was underage a few years ago and my mom let me smoke, she has a medical script so I believe she just knew it was way better than anything else I could be getting into at that age.

either way, I'm glad she let me smoke with her, I learned so much about weed and truly appreciating it and not abusing it. enjoying flavor and low dosage highs when the time is right. so many recreational aspects to weed its unbelievable.

but yeah I think it's hela good when parents doing go against their children if they decide to smoke weed. teach, don't punish. seems to work in a society of comprehensive minds . . .


New Member
Right U R pops. Glad to see you have a similar Mom. My mom does smoke every now and again with me, but she tells me my stuff is too strong :lol:

Yah mom and your point is? :mrgreen: Woot!!

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
I had a friend awhile back that insisted on finishing the bottom of the pipe no matter what. he always said, "if you don't cough, you won't get off"! Oh boy did he ever cough! Uh huh, have at it my friend... :mrgreen:

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
I had a friend awhile back that insisted on finishing the bottom of the pipe no matter what. he always said, "if you don't cough, you won't get off"! Oh boy did he ever cough! Uh huh, have at it my friend... :mrgreen:

out. :blsmoke:
i used to know people like this - people who think its a compliment when someone exhales in their face (and im not taking about a shotgun, just straight exhale)

that shit is doo-doo...people are sillsville