anyone else use a computer to control a grow room?


Well-Known Member
for me, not using a computer to control my grow room is like using a horse and carriage to go to the store. no other way makes sense to me. I've seen a few other people online with similar interests in computers. post some pictures, show us what you created. take a chance to brag. I started out using the serial port but moved on to usb for (hopefully) higher reliability. I'm putting together an open source commercial program for this, with support for different types of hardware interfaces. I'd love to see what more people have come up with on their own. when I release my program, I'll be looking for lots of input and comments.


Well-Known Member
Serial port would be higher reliability, IMO.

I've thought about doing this, but I don't have the room to make automation worth while.


trying to figure that out myself
this is an old thread. I posted a new one here not long ago

I just got it connecting to my garden over ethernet. surprisingly easy too. I have controlled outlets to plug in my pumps and lights, and pwm outputs for a few 12v computer fans. if you decide to use my software, most of the work is already done for you. I'm still working on tutorials for the electronics assembly, and a butt load of work has to be done on reliability and fail-over. still working on the advanced features, but the basics are all working.

hey, now I see why my post count reset!