Anyone else get this?


After I smoke about half a gram or so I feel like I can't get any higher, any of you get this? I also just finished off a full kief bowl, plus another .5 bowl and feel as if I only took a toke. :(
Time for a tolerance break?

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
probably time to start smoking better weed. i doubt someone with your tolerance is going to be able to 'take a break' when you smoke that much. i haven't found many strains with no ceiling but most are sativa dominant hybrids like OG or Ak.


Well-Known Member
i have this issue everyday. i try to have 3 to 4 strains to smoke at all times. every time i think about a tolerance break, i realize its not going to happen.


Active Member
Sat here normal all day Saturday smokin the same stuff that got me high on Friday. That's it! I can't get stoned on Saturday's I got stoned again on Sunday, same potent stuff.


Active Member
I used to get that when I would smoke mad blunts. I learned after awhile blunts waste a LOT of weed. I think it's time for you to step up to oil man. I've givin my friends that smoke a lot huge dabs before and their face got all red and hot lol i've had people say they thought they were tripping after a fat hit.


Well-Known Member
A gram? Really? Either

- bud is shit
- you've been smoking spice

Sorry for sounding bitchy but hitting the 'ceiling' after a gram? Amnesia haze doesnt get me high after smoking a quarter of it maybe. UK cheese doesn't seem to have a 'ceiling' in contrast.

Theres a couple dozen threads here called 'I can't get high anymore' or words to that effect. Read them.



Active Member
I have to agree with Kuroi. I've been smoking the same strain for about a year and a half, and I never have the problem of getting high. Of course, it's one hell of a potent strain, but still. I smoke grams a day and everytime I hit it, I still get fucked up. Maybe it's time you switch it up, or as Crown suggested, time for concentrates.

kenny ken 77

Active Member
first joint of the day,is always the one that hits pay dirt
when you are chonging your bong, hold all the smoke down for as long as you can, if using your kief and holding it down deep for as long as possible doesn't fuck you up, then i'm affraid your cannabis just isn't up to scratch!
i have said it before and will say it again, we need the good old blinding 9 oz bars of top rock back!!! not shit arsed DERV soap bar! with top rock,one pure puff bong, and it's like you've ingested Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, L.S.D!!! aciiid man!!! :)


Well-Known Member
I've been smoking the same two strains for too long, went to a friends house and I was laughing my ass off high after he shared something that wasn't as potent as what I'm used to. Funny how the different makeup of his bud did the trick for me.


Well-Known Member
belive it or not i grow but dont smoke , lol weed like liquor ? i drink the shit out of it and i dont get drunk any more so i have to take some time off lose the tolarance so i can get fucked up again. prob your issue