Anybody used an GH AeroFLO 60?


Active Member
Have been using bd 97's recipie on the aerflo 60 and things look great. Was wondering if anybody else has used this system?
What nutrients were used? I am thinking about trying advanced nutirents connoisseur.
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
I have been looking at them, but i like the challenge of building my own stuff, could you give me some info on this setup? like for starters how far are the netpot holes apart from each other? (center to center) and are they staggered from tube to tube? I am assuming you have completed a grow in one? My biggest question is did the plants have enough space between them to grow without looking all crowded out?


Active Member
hi the answer to your question is yes i have used them and there are a couple things you should know about the system before you get it. The system itself is fabulous all round they grow extremely fast in the system you can start flowering after a week of veg. however there is not much space between plants I am talkin 3 inches between pots and they have a tendency to grow tall. so you have to keep them trimmed. Changing the water is a pain in the ass. you have to remember to keep the plants short, use nothing less than a 600 watt light, oh and the biggest advice keep the nutes at 1000 ppm because your children will suck down the water and it could cause the nutes to jump to high if you dont. during flowering they can suck up 4 gallons overnight. I love the system a tad expensive but well worth it. I wish you the best of luck


Active Member
Same here. I just recently checked that system out at the hydro store and just copied it. Some changes as far as resevoir but I hear it works great and the guy I heard that from used the GH products and he said he had nice results but there are better products out these like ADV. NUTES etc.
Good luck and building systems is way cheaper!

Drug Pusher

I have been looking at them, but i like the challenge of building my own stuff, could you give me some info on this setup? like for starters how far are the netpot holes apart from each other? (center to center) and are they staggered from tube to tube? I am assuming you have completed a grow in one? My biggest question is did the plants have enough space between them to grow without looking all crowded out?


Well-Known Member
I haven't used that system specifically, but I can add a couple things. First, the advice on where to keep the ppms will depend a lot on what nutrients you're using and what strains you're growing. Some strains eat more than others, so the amount of nutes you'll need will vary accordingly. There's no magic number that works with every strain.

Also, the Connoisseur is primo stuff. You can't go wrong there. Just remember to check and double check the instructions and start out a little light just to be safe. It's absolutely top-notch and with that comes some impressive potency. It's easy to overdo it.


Active Member
does anyone know where to find a forum that describes how to build your own aero system like this one? The parts to the system are very cheap but overall the system is really expensive... seems like you can diy for real cheap if you knew how... anyone know where I can find the info to diy? Thanks


Well-Known Member
There's been people build DIY aeroponics and hydroponics systems on this forum. If you search around a bit I'm sure you'll find a bunch of threads about it. There's pro's and con's to both way, though.

With a commercially-built system you get a certain amount of reliability, ease of use, and so forth. They've got all the stuff figured out and it just works. Of course it costs more and isn't always tailored to your needs.

With a DIY system you get a lot of satisfaction of having built it yourself, perhaps saved some money, and you can build it exactly the size you want. The drawback is that if something isn't done right, your system might not work and you don't have anyone to blame but yourself. (No customer service department to complain to and get replacement parts from.)

I'm a DIY'er, but not everyone is.

My advice would be that if you can't look at the AeroFlo and see how to build one yourself, don't try. Build something small first - a basic tub-based aeroponics system for example. Then, once you've done that and proved it successful, the bigger things make more sense.

Kind of the same principle as learning to build a doghouse before you try to build an actual house.


Active Member
I've built a couple of them. I started with an areoflow 36, then modeled the ones I built after it, changing the things that I wanted to. They all work great. Javac88 is right about the water usage. What i do is hook a water supply to a float valve. That way no matter how much the girls drink, the ppm will never rise, this allows you to set the ultimate ppm for your stain, without fear of nute burn. Let me know if you have questions.


Active Member
have not grown any thing yet, but would like to find a really good aeroponic system off the shelf. it seems that the distance between the holes for the 30 or 60 is tight for flowering. does any one know a better aeroponic system?


Active Member
have not used it but i would say put a plant in every other hole, twice as much space.
If you look up stink bud there is a diy system with step by step instructions. I was pleased to see it featured in high times. When you put the entire system together, it is roughly half the price you would pay off the shelf. I had very good results at the start, but was given pollen from my wonderful friend:cuss:. Anyhow aeroponics seems to work great with fast growth.