Anybody try to quite smoking but end up drinking like crazy instead?


Well-Known Member
No,I just dont like to drink that much though.I only really drink if were chilling outside then we'll grab a few 40s or if im at a party.


Well-Known Member
Working on a forty now, don't particularly like the drinking but I need something when I cut down on the smoking, then I start to like it


New Member
If I run out or am on vacation and without, I try to drink to replace cannabis. NEVER has it been a good idea, at least for me. I probably drink too much as is, and cannabis slows me down quite a bit. Without the cannabis, I can't moderate and wake up with a wicked headache next day.

Muppets On Drugs

Active Member
same exact situation, but thats the thing is alcohol starts gettin really good.

but remember mind over matter, you cant tell me cannabis and alcohol is stronger than ur mind??
its not using alcohol when you don't have weed is something i started to do, but then i figured out that meant if i didn't have weed, id get in an altered state some way. and that's just not healthy, once you hate being sober you hate living at all.

not tryna preach, but thats just how it is.