Any radiologists in the house?


Well-Known Member
I have a question. Does one have to roll over or turn to take pictures from multiple sides?For example can I lay flat on my back and take a picture from the front and back.

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
my guess, x-ray has pointy thingy that they'll want scanner as close to area(s) as possible. Hi-tech may have improved, they'll show you at the appointment. or just call ahead and ask em. MRI is more like tranquil surround sound. peace


Well-Known Member
Ahhh... X-rays.
There is a limit of depth they can "see" clearly. So for the purposes of overall "data", they'll want to take multiple angles so as to get a better idea of what is happening and where.
I believe a CAT scan would be another alternative, between X-ray films and MRI.

This is an interesting site I just dug up. I haven't even heard of half of these methods!


Well-Known Member
I'm more or less picking for info, because I have the films and they are supposed to be front and back left and right. I'm thinking they took two pictures of the right side and two of the front unless I'm missing the bus here.


Well-Known Member
I'm more or less picking for info, because I have the films and they are supposed to be front and back left and right. I'm thinking they took two pictures of the right side and two of the front unless I'm missing the bus here.
Eh? Something sounds odd there.
What type of device was used to make these? The regular film below body type with one source of X-rays?


Well-Known Member
Just laid on one side two pictures then stood up two more. Never turned over never turned around. They were supposed to take pictures of my neck but it wasn't on the radiology form so I ran back to the doctors office This only took ten minutes from the time i left the office and came back .they already shut all the lights off,locked the door and left. I go back I go back to radiology and get the pictures taken and that's what happened. so the next day I go back to the office to talk to the doctor and was told they went on vacation and wont be back for two weeks.


Well-Known Member
Could be a digital setup and had multiple image receptors so you didn't need to move much. Either that or they took a couple of repeats on ya ;). What did you have xrayed?


Well-Known Member
OK so they did a Thoracic spine and a Lumbar spine on you. In all likelihood you had the most basic views, an AP or front to back view and a lateral or side to side view. 2 views of each body part are standard, usually at 90 degrees from each other since you're basically taking a 3 dimensional object and smashing it onto a 2 dimensional plane. Which is why you don't need to turn onto your other side, you get both sides at once. So when you were lying on your side they did 2 laterals, one of your lower back and then one of your mid-back. Then they stood you up to do the front to back views. One Thoracic or mid-back and one Lumbar or lower back. And if it's any consolation, not having your neck or Cervical spine done that day lowered your dosage actually. How's that?


Well-Known Member
Just laid on one side two pictures then stood up two more. Never turned over never turned around. They were supposed to take pictures of my neck but it wasn't on the radiology form so I ran back to the doctors office This only took ten minutes from the time i left the office and came back .they already shut all the lights off,locked the door and left. I go back I go back to radiology and get the pictures taken and that's what happened. so the next day I go back to the office to talk to the doctor and was told they went on vacation and wont be back for two weeks.
Good sounds like a bad sitcom.
Unless they were using a newer device that has some manner of CCD capture, it seems like someone buggered it. However, I am not a radiologist. I only play one on the interwebz.


EDIT: FranJan is probably onto something.


Well-Known Member
Uhmm I don't think we want to flouro the patient Dr. Heckler. Poor FOV for diagnostic xrays. Anyway tee off time in 1 hour! Nurse Ratchet, where my 5 iron at? Did I leave it in the patient again? :P


Well-Known Member
Uhmm I don't think we want to flouro the patient Dr. Heckler. Poor FOV for diagnostic xrays. Anyway tee off time in 1 hour! Nurse Ratchet, where my 5 iron at? Did I leave it in the patient again? :P
Don't worry...I can vaporize it using this large rail-gun I am making for
BAE Systems
Just have the patient grab one rail with both hands, and put their feet over the other one.
Make sure they don't move when the current starts flowing.
It may sting a little...
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Well-Known Member
I figure they are doubles I dont think the women taking the pictures was very enthusiastic about having to do anything imo. I like that video @heckler why would the us allow a country that tried to take it over in the past build their weapon systems? There has to be something else behind this.


Well-Known Member
I figure they are doubles I dont think the women taking the pictures was very enthusiastic about having to do anything imo. I like that video @heckler why would the us allow a country that tried to take it over in the past build their weapon systems? There has to be something else behind this.
Eh...the time of classic dictators is behind us now. Political relations ebb and flow like tidal energy. BAE Systems is a private contractor, just like Northrop-Grumman or Raytheon.
Personally, I think it is funny that Black Budgets are going to such goofy shit :lol:
Behind that "weapon", there's some prankster engineer or physicist laughing their way to the bank.


Well-Known Member
Not trying to pry, but why were they doing the xrays? The number of pictures and the positions used can vary based on the reason for the exam. Usually T-spines and L-spines are done laying down unless they are checking for disc space (in older or heavier patients) or scoliosis (in younger patients).

Thoracic spine SHOULD be a 3 view (3 pictures), and Lumbar spine is usually a 3 view minimum with the norm being 5 views. I have seen 2 view Lumbar spine xrays but they aren't very common except post-surgery.