any one use Emilys garden??


Well-Known Member
I thought that i would try some hydroponics so i picked up this cheap $80 system. im a noob at hydro is this a good start/system? it seems like the airstones dont put out JACK for air bubbles this cant be good. is there bigger airstones i can get for this system or what? also if i cleaned off the roots of some plants very well can they be put into the system with out rockwool and can the plant be in the rockwool through out its life or is a transplant needed?

tips/ suggestions?



Well-Known Member
go to wal-mart. They have a high-output air pump for $10. Then buy two of their airstones, they are good ones. But buy the long ones, not the little cylindrical ones.


Well-Known Member
Are you cleaning the roots because they were in dirt? I assume you are wanting to clean them for this reason. Also, if they have already rooted, you do not want to put them in the rockwool cubes. So you would have to set them down on the hydroton, which is what I see in the picture, cover the root system so they don't get light.
Also, plants can be left in the rockwool from seed to death


Well-Known Member
thanks that helps alot, and yes they were from soil but i went ahead and cleaned them of nicely and transplanted. i hope its ok