Any old old timers around? Cab


Well-Known Member
Any of the old timers around here remember Budbuddha and his cabinets? or possibly have pics saved that they would share?

He was an old guy here about 7-8 yrs ago that put up detailed plans for some really bad ass cabs. He was definitely a long time woodworker and the cabs were very well thought out, small under bench 4 pot , and some mother cabs with light baffles. Lots of great ideas.

I know he had a falling out here with someone and took all his pics down and left.

Anyway worth a shot


Well-Known Member
I think what your looking for is an ngb style grow box. Just type into your web browser "icmag diy link o Rama" it's on the very first page you'll find it. The link has some of the best reads you will ever find a must bookmark for any serious growers, everything from cabs to nutrients for penny's on the dollar to research papers that would interest even the most intilectual of minds.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Shakenbake,

Excellent list of links there. Some decent builds but thats not it. he used under floor air intake and light proof baffles w the floor sitting on the baffles (1 1/2" plywood strips) , but this guy was a very experienced wood worker and his cabs were real clean work. I wonder if any of the old mods would remember, he had some kind of a blowout with someone here said piss off and was gone . Don't know if you could delete pics back then and he did it or if a mod vaporized him for whatever reason. .

Had to be like 2008-2009 his thread "grow cabinets from scratch " or " grow cabinets start to finish" or something like that, I have searched everything and can't find the pics again. I had all his pics saved on an old laptop but lost them. He had a nice stealth box for flowering with bad ass old school AK47 growing w harvest pics , then 2x2 mother cabs. I think there were three or four different start to finish designs in the thread.

I'll track them down if I can and repost, was just hoping someone had saved them
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