Any night smokers out there.....?


Hahaha.---Chill the F off.-Smoke a bowl Like big boys, and be heavily Blazed:hump:.....

Im so beef.-Going to smoke one up for ya all too :hump:.
Heavy medication ppl, bongsmiliebongsmilie:mrgreen::bigjoint::eyesmoke:

orite mate
none of that was directed at you its just ive come across alot of mysticmonkeys posts and he has a habit of pulling people down.

i read his post in this thread about causing trouble and masterbating and i had to have a pop,,,,soz if ive offended anyone,,,:peace:out

grow space

Well-Known Member
orite mate
none of that was directed at you its just ive come across alot of mysticmonkeys posts and he has a habit of pulling people down.

i read his post in this thread about causing trouble and masterbating and i had to have a pop,,,,soz if ive offended anyone,,,:peace:out
Yeah man, i feel ya, that was some crazy shit Mystic talked about-hahahahaha.
Masterbating-fucking hell, gangsta ass shit lol bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I am also a fan of the late night tokes...... dont get me wrong, I smoke and function fine during the day but at night you can sit back, relax, smoke a joint/bong.ingest w/e and just watch tv/ read/ game do whatever but its all nice and relaxing after a days work and a big fatty!!!


Active Member
I always blaze down HEAVILY at night. I'll smoke when I wake up, and maybe 2 or 3 bowls throughout the day, but at night is the best. Usually its 5-6 bowls if not more. I can't fall asleep unless I'm baked


Well-Known Member
I used to be like that but found that I needed to get baked to fall asleep. It truly was my sleeping drug, but I kinda became dependent. AND then when I smoked in the day i would just be tried lol


Definately a midnight toker! Gotta get the kids to sleep, make sure everything is done for the day, THEN go to la la land.


Well-Known Member
Ya burning it down at night is the shit hands down. I smoke religiously at least twice a day and that bowl in bed is by far my favorite. almost positive i cant sleep without her!


Active Member
I love smoking at night out in the backyard. Bring the bong out, get parked up on the swing chair, take a few bongs and sit back and just be.
I smoke during the day and that but real early in the morning when everything is just waking up or else at night would be my preferred toke-times, defintootly

grow space

Well-Known Member
read the name buddy. I do it at night cuz its the only time its safe
I smoke a dutch every night at like 11 havent missed a night in about a year
I pretty much only smoke at night
I stay high pretty much 24-7. I like my heavy indica's at night though. Different smokes for different times of the day.

i have smoked up to 5 days straight at night(had a lil pause 5 days or so, lying 3 days).
Last night I was on this public land, in the middle of the city where no cops can harm u and u can drink and smoke public-its like a really big park.--I just love to blaze out there and be in layout mode....My favorite place in the world:clap::clap::clap:


Active Member
I just smoked some shitty shit. I passed out last night at 9pm and woke throwin up at 1am and now I have a badass headache but its almost 8am and now im smokin again lol


New Member
Weather permitting, i always roll a joint and go for a late night walk and look at the night sky. Last night was one joint and two meteors...:wink:


Well-Known Member
I never thought about it until I read your post; but I prefer smoking at / after sunset. Sure I smoke during the day, but I really enjoy smoking at night. Easier on the eyes, nice ambiance and I like the cooler weather.


Well-Known Member
def. most of my smoking is at night- after the kids bedtime. (8pm) i toke some nap times tho, n some times me n the hubby rotate watching the kids while the other has a 'break'