any help? 2 days without oxy contin, sick!


Well-Known Member
day 2 has come withotut my oxycontin and oxycodone. i hurt! lol. but sriosly i hear for sick kinda opiate feelings there is imdoium and benadyl. can someone clarify what kinds? muhc appreciate any response!:fire:


Well-Known Member
Dude...You're gonna go through some serious withdrawals...Keep it up..It will only get better. Id say smoke some pot, and rest. Pills are disgusting, smoke some good herb, and never look back..STAY STRONG!


Well-Known Member
thanks, i gonna try and quit perm but my dic , i mean doc, has my pills in the mail to me suppsoseldy on the 15th. lol, to take again or not. i hope not. but i got serious pain issues. i got the pot tho, rook a few days off to chill with my buding girls. i just started growing.


Well-Known Member
good luck stopping cold turkey man. its hard. i was eating pain pills likke candy cuz of my back. when it came time to stopping it was a challenge! weed helped me on my way back though;-) good luck!


Well-Known Member
Thats what I hate about docs, and pill companies man...Biggest fucking drug cartel in the world..They get people hooked on these damn pills(that are worse than heroin in most cases), make huge profits, and then give you another pill to get you off one pill..I fuckin hate it, and pissed me off.

Good luck on the quit...I think you should stay off the pills, or ask for something a lil softer.

good luck on your grow too..


Well-Known Member
Take some Immodium AD, Take a 2 Benadryl. Get in the bed... and smoke a bowl.

Repeat once daily for a week...(dont take more than 2 benerdyl a day)

I have been through it time and time again... Im actually going through some withdrawls as we speak. From hydrocodone... not as severe as oxy withdrawls but it still sucks.

If you are trying to kick your bad habit i suggest some red wine to clean you out. Some vitamin B12, A multivitamin, and some GOOD weed. Thats all you can do...


Well-Known Member
Oh yea, and another thing... If you can get your hands on some real LSD. Your withdrawls will be over when your trip is over... May take 15 hours of tripping your balls off and wigging out. But you'll never think about it again after that... It worked for me, and all my friends.

I was doing around 160mg of OC every morning when i'd wake up.. and another 160mg throughout the day... I dropped down to doing an 80mg pill a day and then took some acid and never looked back...


Well-Known Member
Thats a pretty unorthodox method of cleansing...I like it tho. should give that a try and let us know how it worked for you...


Well-Known Member
yea... It re wires your brain. and all you can think about is the trip... Its such a powerful drug that you can literally make your self believe that you are not addicted to anything. You are just on acid... and you'll start realizing that everything is a chemical. and that chemicals are just chemicals... and your mind has the ability to override chemical effects.


Well-Known Member
If I am not mistaken immodium contains atropine (bella donna) to prevent folks from exploiting the OTC opiates that are the active ingredient. Be real careful with that because taking to much can have some rather negative consequences (death).


Well-Known Member
screw those damn assholes that give pills to help you with other pills side effects.i dont see how you would want to take something that just destroys your stomach


Well-Known Member
the worst part of this is the damn runny nose and the shits. lol, otherwise i cleaned my frickin house, and did some much needed maintenance work on the veg ca. i trying to stay manly. i about to germ some northern lights and a mazar afghan. any advice. i thinking of soaking them in a cuop of water for 24. then going to a paper towel with a heating pad under neath thne into rw cubes preswoaked and dried. ill dip them in water just a little when it needs it and keep in a humd dome on a heating pad until sprouts then into the dwc waiting to mother out then sexed then into the ebb and flo chamber under a 400.