any gamers here?


Active Member
eH i kinda game, i have a ps2 and Wii. Im kinda pissed that Wii hasnt come out with many good games but wtvr


Well-Known Member
wii sucks balls, its a worthless console designed for u to throw the controller at the system or tv forcing u to buy another or a new tv. Its a scam.


Active Member
Call of Duty 4 and 5 (only zombie mode on 5)
Tryin to get the gold cross 55 haha

add me gamertag= SAVAGE ICEMAN


Well-Known Member
slight gamer here.... pc and ps2 .. but im thinking of upgrading to either a ps3 or to make my new laptop (havent ordered yet) a gaming laptop

i want to find doom and duke nukem

i play need 4 speed
call of duty
mortal combat


Well-Known Member
both of those games can be easily found at i have a 360 and ps3 but both of them are more like media centers for my two hd's. sometimes a little cod4 or saints row 2

The sim's Bob Newbie

Well-Known Member

Burnout 3 Takedown
Need for speed (underground 2 at mo...)

Not a major gamer, but I found one on ebay with 20 odd games with it - got it for about 100 quid...then spent another hundred or so on more games I know I'd like (bloody expensive if your after a specific one!)


Well-Known Member
I'm a huge gamer, I buy pretty much every game that interests me and I've had every console of my generation except ps3.

Games I'm playing now -
Oblivion GoTY edition
Fallout 3/Fallout 3: Operation anchorage
GTA 4: the lost and damned

Might get resident evil 5 when it comes out but idk


Well-Known Member
I'm a huge gamer, I buy pretty much every game that interests me and I've had every console of my generation except ps3.
your not missing much, unless your all about the platformers. i only got my ps3 cause it has built in wireless, and it came with my bravia....


Well-Known Member
metal gear solid 4 is a ps3 exculsive. not only is the gameplay sick as fuck, so are the videos, and storyline

anyone gona pick up resident evil 5 on friday


New Member
man thats what I miss about not never buying a PS3.. No Metakl Gear.. I remember when MGS sons of liberty first came out on PS2 I had it preordered.. That game was so freaking awesome.. I miss Snake.. I only game on my PC these days.. My kids have PS2's,Wii,NDS's,Gamecube etc... No Xbox's or PS3. Man I bet the new MGS is awesome. i have played every single resident evil to date except 5.. 4 was good chainsaw dude was cool.. I loved the older ones.. RE 1-2 and Nemisis etc.. Nothing like the feeling I used to get afwer figuring out a super hard puzzle wihout any help.. Made me feel special haha.


Well-Known Member
eh, could go on for days, but since you asked

love having to figure out how to kill each and every boss different,

it shows you how differently the game has changed from its first generation on the super nintendo in 1987 in the last boss fight that was 20 years ago 14 game series...

not only do you have to sneak around, you can snipe, kill everyone, oh and not even kill a single person and beat it.

customize every weapon, your suit, etc..

oh yea and you get to fight in mechs, gundams, super weapons.

fuckin shit im a have to go play it again


Well-Known Member
man thats what I miss about not never buying a PS3.. No Metakl Gear.. I remember when MGS sons of liberty first came out on PS2 I had it preordered.. That game was so freaking awesome.. I miss Snake.. I only game on my PC these days.. My kids have PS2's,Wii,NDS's,Gamecube etc... No Xbox's or PS3. Man I bet the new MGS is awesome. i have played every single resident evil to date except 5.. 4 was good chainsaw dude was cool.. I loved the older ones.. RE 1-2 and Nemisis etc.. Nothing like the feeling I used to get afwer figuring out a super hard puzzle wihout any help.. Made me feel special haha.
hell ya resident evil 2 was my favorite


Well-Known Member
resident evil five is pretty tight. they swtiched up the whole game. more like the vampires in blade 2 but in africa. pretty sweet
