Any CRAZY sales people that want to help me...


Well-Known Member
Piss all over the NSA, and theState Department?

I'm working with some other rogue security specialists. We've got a nice (set of) system(s) that block the NSA from spying on personal and network data (unless you compromise yourself...) I know how to work computers, I know how to secure shit, I know how to do the technical side - but, I'm POOR and I have NO sales exposure or experience. Any sales gurus wanna help me out?

Everything we build is custom designed and compiled for the customer. All tailored, all based on OPEN SOFTWARE (Not open source, but free --- we use a fork of BSD.)

If you are a foreign national, or in a country that is banned from strong encryption export (like Cuba, or Iran) I can't help you -- unless you sponsor my visa and get me outta' this big-brother's nest of spies, snitches, and "best interest" overseers.