Any Conspiracy Theories or Terrorist Theories on the Fort Hood Shootings?


Well-Known Member
The question is basically in the thread title. 1:30 Central Time - Kileen, TX, Fort Hood Army Base has 2 or 3 shooters. 7 dead, at least 20 injured.

Your thoughts who it might be?


Well-Known Member
Yeah. Check Fox News. It's all over. FBI is on it's way in to see if it is civilian or military jurisdiction. President (Or should I just say Mr. since that's the only way Keith Oberman would refer to President Bush) Obama has been notified.


do you know what the defiition of the word conspiracy is...?

if the shooting involved more than 1 person, by very definition, its a conspiracy

but back on topic, didnt the shit JUST happen? were supposed to know?

Sr. Verde


More and more shootings :(

I'm guessing someone just snapped Private Pile style?


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking since the FBI is moving in and they said they were moving in to "stop the killing" that this might somehow be a terrorist plot or at least something that they had been tipped on as a premeditated action.

Sr. Verde

US ARMY: 1 shooter killed, 2 others apprehended in shooting at Fort Hood; all are US soldiers.

(AP News)


Well-Known Member
Just saw it on Fox news, Its kinda weird imagining 3 U.S soldiers coming up with a plan to shoot up there own comrades. If it was 1 person i could believe maybe they just went crazy like in that movie "Full Metal Jacket", but 3's kinda hard to swallow.


Well-Known Member
I guess the one person that was retained has an Islamic name, something like Achbdallah or something. The AFB here is all guarded and police are around it. Somethings going down I think.


Well-Known Member
Major Malik Nadal Hasan
how the hell do u get to be major with a name like that. if it was terorism there would be more damage like kamikazi on the mess hall. its probably conspiracy. we just have to see how the media potrays it and what new laws are passed for our protection.


Well-Known Member
how the hell do u get to be major with a name like that. if it was terorism there would be more damage like kamikazi on the mess hall. its probably conspiracy. we just have to see how the media potrays it and what new laws are passed for our protection.
then again how do you become president named barak hussein obama?


Well-Known Member
Apparently CNN and MSNBC putting spin on story to appear as if soldiers were disgruntled about going to Iraq or Afganistan. DOESN'T MAKE SENSE for Air Force Base three states away to be on lockdown because 3 people were disgruntled. Sounds like this was a premeditated attack and FBI had tips. Liberal media will spin it the other way to make current White House administration look like they were doing their jobs. OBAMA seems to have allowed another terrorist attack on U.S. soil.
Basically Us army generals have been asking obama to send more troops to afghanistan . Obama ran his presidential campaign on the platform of no more troops no more war. So here is the conspiracy, as we all know the shooter was a high ranking officer, Mk ultra was used to create the shooters and the tragedy, so obama and the adminastration can then say see , we cant send in more troops they have had enough already. How can generals and republicans in congrees ask for more trooops to go to war after suicides and tragedies like this. takes the pressure of obama and the governemnt as a whole. I just made this conspiracy up tell me what you think.
loperzi blaming obama for this is crazy unless you believe in my conspiracy ya i made it up. its not called terrorism its called bush sending our men and women into bogus wars and now they are going mentally insane. thats the fact thats it.
lol @ terrorist attack, once again right wing conservative who watch fox news are jumping on the fox ban wagon to call this a terrorist attack. When postal workers go postal is that terrorism too. come on seriously. LOL still greatest terrorist attack in history happened on 1 mans watch enough said.


Not a chance in hell more than one person would go on a shooting rampage at the base... maybe a suicide or shoot the sgt but come on... either society has hit an all time low where it's breeding hate-mongers like this that are disgusted with their own brothers, or it's bullshit and a cover up.

I love America!