any advice

i'm trying 2 grow outdoors in the south west of australia, i'm not a fan of chemicals, fertilizers and such. any tips and advice on all aspects of growing from seed 2 harvest would be greatly appreciated.13122010038.jpg


Well-Known Member
well is this your first time growing or do you have some idea about what your doing cause there is a lot to it i like Hydro more then any other way cause its the fastest way i know to grow and its just easier to me i like to be able to control every thing that my plants eat and stuff like that . I use organics when im vegging cause i like to hit them hard with about 1000 to about 1400 ppm . Cause you cant burn your plants with organics and them in flower i like to use synthetics nutriments and i think it works really well for me so why do you not like chemicals
i have a pretty fair idea on the basics of outdoor growing. i would love to use hydroponics, but i simply cant afford that at the moment. i have grown outdoors a few times before, but past attempts have been unsuccessful.


Well-Known Member
1: Make sure to pick a spot with as much direct sunlight as possible. South side of a hill or forrest is ideal - gives some protection from wind.
2: Prepare your soil very well with some nice black soil with lots of nutrients in them. Dig the hole down at least a couple of feet and fill with nice quality soil.
3: Water thoroughly in the hole before planting (10 liters at least/plant)
4: Make sure to water if it gets very hot. (it probably does)

Remember that the plants start flowering stage at 12 hours of darkness, so close to equator they will start flowering imediately.

Hope this helps you a bit. I'm from Skandinavia so it's very different growing conditions (i'd rather have yours ;O))

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
1.if you dont like using chemicals and stuff, look up organic threads and start your own pile. 2. if you can grow close to home its alot easier. 3. BRIMI's list here^. 4.Dont try and do too much thats when bad things happen. (overfeeding, overwatering)


Well-Known Member
i'm trying 2 grow outdoors in the south west of australia,
i'm not a fan of chemicals, fertilizers and such
. any tips and advice on all aspects of growing from seed 2 harvest would be greatly appreciated.View attachment 1632461
You need fertilizer for plants to grow. Also west aust ,your looking at 38 deg cel every day of summer so water crystals, mulch(keep topping it up) ,carry water in as the dams and creeks will be bone dry.
this is south west australia, it's winter also. i have 2 in the ground at the moment and they are wicked little fighters, i think sativa. but they hold their own against the elements, and i pray to the gods of green that they turn out big and bushy. so anyone that has any insight that will help keep them going, please just post your thoughts.