any adice for a begginer??


so i have been smoking for years.. i kno ppl who grow but i never have.. ive read some stuff online and i have a couple seeds germinating at the moment. i need any advice on how to grow a big crop from two plants any links to show me how to tell if i have male or female plants.. i have no mylar or whit paint or money to buy either.. can i use compact florecent bulbs? basically a run down on the whole growing process... any tips? anything will be helpful?? oh and what can i use as fertilizer from things around the house cuz as i said before im broke?... the more specific the answers the better... thanks


thanks.. but im more interested in specifics... if you have any info please let me kno.. thnx for the quick response


Well-Known Member
advice? iwould tell you to read everything in Newbie central and to get a journal and write down everything about your plants everyday to keep track of everything.Good Luck


Active Member
Yeah you will have to read and research just because there are so many ways to do things and everyone's situation is different - so it's hard to just give people specific advice.

That said, you could just throw some cheap seeds in whatever potting soil/mix you can find, throw as many CFLs (either 6500K/"Daylight" or 2700K/"Soft White") over them as you can and get a ghetto-grow going to learn by doing if you want. The more research you put into it, the better the results and less dead plants of course...


growing costs doe mate. If you havent gt any money what so ever then youll have to wait till you do till u can start.