Anxiously waiting in Mich!!


Active Member
April 4th is the day! After suffering for years with chronic back pain, I am finally going to be able to grow some real pain relief (hopefully!). In case some of you don't know, Mich is now the 13th state to allow medicinal Marijuana. Everything is supposed to be in place by April 4th to start issuing cards. Until then I plan on learning every thing I can about Marijuana cultivation, and all of the different strains. This seems like a good place to learn. I have actually been lurking for a while now, just thought I would say hi! If there are any other mich people on here, shoot me a message and maybe we can swap ideas and stuff!!


Well-Known Member
Welcome To RIU and Merry Christmas

Good luck in your journey..
The hardest part of growing buds is the waiting............