antidetection foil?


I've used the Easy Grow Foil for about 4 years, . its certificied food grade & 96 % thermal reflecting, and i've nether had any issues, i dont believe that any thing is 100% thermal, as frozen food would never defrost or hot food would never go cold,as a simple example, my understanding is it elimanaties hotspots, also the 3 types of IR near, medium & far, its the mid & far one which are of inportance.


c3 What a load of Bullshit, so if this 100% thermal i can wrap it around the coffee pot for 10minutes & i won't feel any heat!! utter rubbish, its about Ir


My local hydro store sells IR blocking material here in the states. They have supposedly tested it with commercial IR guns and seen huge improvements.

In any case, here's their ebay store and with some sample images on the product page.
This is a false product this Silver Bubble wrap crap is available from Home Depot, its a insulator! it retains heat within the structure!! the IR builds quickly in about 3 hours!


This is a false product this Silver Bubble wrap crap is available from Home Depot, its a insulator! it retains heat within the structure!! the IR builds quickly in about 3 hours!
The space inbetween the bubbles retains heat & thus builds a I.R signature, its also highly flammable, dont believe me 'try it out!''
I'm also sure the is many reflective foils manufactured which arn't food grade, so proberbly producing toxins over a period of time, as the UVI breaks down the structure of the foil, best for it to be food grade, with at least 3%UVI in the product.
I've already stated months back the product i've been using for the least FOUR YEARS!:bigjoint:


This is all information that i worked out in my head and may not be 100% accurate.

FLIR cameras on helicopters / handheld mainly look for hot air being exhausted out of a grow op.
It would take a substantial heat source for them to pick up a " glowing " building. Then again , by insulating the whole building/room with IR reflective sheeting, you will do four things .

1 : Increase internal temperature @ heat source ( grow room )
2 : Decrease external temperature ( ie the heat signature being radiated from the source.... * A GOOD THING BUT... the heat has to go somewhere, see my paragraphs below )
3 : Increase exhaust temperature , due to number 1.
4 : Needing bigger fans due to number 3

I think lining your grow room/house with this IR reflective sheeting is BAD , as it will make the whole OP appear normal temperature, but with a massive heat " leak " from the exhaust ( and any other areas on the building not insulated )

However if you have a small operation , for example, one room in a house, it could be good.
Say one room insulated, and the hot exhaust air pumped into the basement ( obviously after being filtered / treated with ozone etc ) i think would be a good setup.

For a whole house operation i think it could make the problem worse.

Oh by the way, if you want IR reflective sheet, aluminium foil is what you want. However it also reflects UV and lets face it, plants don't like too much UV and IR, not to mention the foil is a poor reflector for other parts of the light spectrum.

A nice setup would be mylar over aluminium foil.


ok guys whats the skinny on this stuff?
is it real? or just myth?
anyways if it is and some one knows wear a good site to bye from is, hit a guy up
thanks jerkies............. happy growing
seattle's number one smart ass!
This MegaLux is a complete Bullshit!!!

This Meglux Sheeting is just Black/White co extruded film, with Silver(NON FOOD GRADE) Ink printed on top,
Dont believe me! just scratch of the Dull Silver Ink with a bit of sand paper, the's no INFUSED METAL, COMPLETELY BOGUS
Why lie! Why tell the public its your company images!! Liar!!
Its a web image from a company in Galaway Ireland, who use thermal imaging in the construction industry, you NOB JOCKEY!!!!
These are not really thermal images, just a reverse image , bullshit, his mate below ''wax liar'' says they make this product, & has a different thermal image, this is BULLSHIT AS WELL!.
The image he's shown is a standard website image from a company called ''SHARP SCAN'' who i have contacted & they dont make any form of sheeting, but do sell thermal cameras!!
Here's the link to prove it!!!

This MegaLux is a complete Bullshit!!!

Think Hydrogarden are tryin to sell this shit what a Joke.They must think public are stupid



Anti-detection foil...WTF?!?!?!?! Your growing pot not harbouring aliens, what the hell are you talking about?:p Unless your worried about the, "government using thermal cameras to detect me" bullshit.
The police send the helicopters out 3 times every week to cover an area with thermal cameraz and anti detection foil masks the heat difference inbetween the helicopter and your grow room wize arse so wtf are u goin on about aliens


Well-Known Member
The army uses this shit on those mesh nets over the bunkers. I know this because I was in the army and I was responsible for research on how to keep troops protected. The mesh is infused with wire-like metals that keep the heat signature down. Pretty cool.

Captain Jaz

Active Member
Ok, I know about this stuff and have used it before, as every good size town here in the UK has at least 1 growshop that sells it... But my question related to this is - Isn't it basically the same as Mylar? And if I use fiberglass insulation covered with thick plastic and then mylar in my roof, do I really need to pay almost double for it compared to mylar?


Active Member
Does it exist? Yes

Can you get some? Probably

Does it work? Mostly

Do you need it? Probably not unless you've got a full on grow house.

You can get the exact same results by using just about any good insulation and or venting your heat properly, what they look for is unusual heat signatures, usually heat exhaust that isn't normal.

Also it is completely illegal to use FLIR or equivalent on a residential property without a warrant first. Do the cops do it anyway? All the time! Most cops will subvert the laws they are supposed to enforce just to get their adrenaline rush/fix from a bust.

Peace. =)

Captain Jaz

Active Member
In winter time they don't even need infra-red cams. I read in the paper about a pre-school teacher that got raided, cos the helicopter saw all the snow on her roof had melted. Turned out she wasn't growing, just had really poor loft insulation!

Captain Jaz

Active Member
By the way... UK people.. Ask at your local civic center, you can get a £1000 grant to insulate your attic! ;-P
Thx tax payers! lol


Does it exist? Yes

Can you get some? Probably

Does it work? Mostly

Do you need it? Probably not unless you've got a full on grow house.

You can get the exact same results by using just about any good insulation and or venting your heat properly, what they look for is unusual heat signatures, usually heat exhaust that isn't normal.

Also it is completely illegal to use FLIR or equivalent on a residential property without a warrant first. Do the cops do it anyway? All the time! Most cops will subvert the laws they are supposed to enforce just to get their adrenaline rush/fix from a bust.

Peace. =)

In the uk, the helicopters are constantly scanning the roof tops of houses, for example on the way back to their base after a call out.
In the uk no warrant is needed.

Also in the uk the helicopter FLIR cameras look at surface temperatures ( ie a hot roof ) whereas in the usa they usually look for heat being exhausted

Hence why the above school teacher got raided ( IIRC she was also a part time police officer too ! )
and a guy who kept his garage warm with a wood burning stove, for cars / paint etc got raided also!