Another question about Aerogarden


Well-Known Member
OK so I set up an Areogarden, all the fox farm nutes, air pump with 6' air stone lined across the bottom, Yeast/sugar water Co2, PH kit and tested with distilled water (steady at 6ph btw), fans for vent...etc.......Needless to say im taking my first time seriously. Even have some killer Kush seeds and have sprouted 5 so far.

Anyway, things are going great so far.
I am worried what happens in 5-6 weeks when its time to flower. Will the Aerogarden produce enough red/orange light to support a full fruiting stage.
I have been looking into purchasing a HPS light but with everything that goes with it will get VERY pricey and I don’t think my small space will support. I have also read up on the mercury vapor lights and everyone says don’t even bother with them, they are poor in red/orange light and lose most light before they reach the plant.

I am looking for anyone who has used an Aerogarden and may have some advice for a first timer. Particularly and thoughts on lighting or anything you would have done different when you first started using the Aerogarden.

Thank you



New Member
In the aerogarden it'd be wiser to use a lower ph... no higher than 5.8... lower would be better...

It'd be best to invest in a digital ph meter as the litmus kits are not very accurate.


Well-Known Member
That is very good advice. I read that you should keep the ph to 5.8 and 6.3 so i figured 6.0 would be perfect. Anyway i have been reading up on LED lights. seems you can get a 140 LED red light for about $15-20. They are very low on energy and give the plants ONLY the red light needed for flowering. I think this may be the best bet for my setupand just use them along with the AG lights. Has anyone used RED LED lights before?


New Member
IMO there are two important factors to light in regards to growing good cannabis. One, as we all know is light spectrum... the one that is missed out a lot is light intensity.

The most potent cannabis comes from places where the sun is most intense, this causes the plant to produce more potent trichomes as a protective barrier. I also believe it causes the plant to photosynthesise quicker. In other words it grows fatter, and more potently the more intense the light.

If you're happy to walk away with a dried 8th after 3 months of growing then go with the led's. If you want to grow a decent plant that is worth smoking, you have to go with HID's.


Active Member
if you want to use led's you need to group them very close together it creates whats called atomincnucliesidaimde it used low enegry light that doesnt stress the plant in terms means very potent bud now dont get excited your gana need around like 5000 of those little lights per plant