Another ph Q


Active Member
Hows it goin boys and girls just wanted to clear something up. And if you guys could help that would be super:mrgreen:

Ok. Im a soil man and I been pre adjusting my ph to between 6.0-6.8 before I water. But after checking my run off after I water its coming in at 7.0-7.5.

So Im guessing that if I want my ph to remain at 6.0-6.8 I should bring my water down to around 5.0-5.5 before I water and the neuts etc that are already in the Allmix will bring it up to 6.0-6.8?

Any help would be sweet :peace:


Active Member
please guys I just need to double check with some of ya so I can be sure of what Im doing


Well-Known Member
I'll give my 2 cents, understand I'm new to indoor growing. I'd say dial your ph down a notch, say to 5.8 - 6. Nothing too radical, see if this causes a change in the outflow. 5.5 is starting to get a little 'hot', might cause other issues. If 5.8 doesn't do it, well step down a bit more.