another PH issue, but with a twist.


Active Member
Okay, I had a PH issue start up about two Weeks ago so I ran to the hydro store to get Ph up. I was talking to the guy and he said root rot was the true problem, I got the PH up anyway and went home to look at the roots and thay look perfect. So I decided to change the rez and when I did there was a slime that came out of the hose, so I pulled apart everything and did a bleach water scrub down and let the hose & pump sit in the water well I did up the "pots". I did another change just now and noticed a lil slime come out, like its back. I had a low PH all weekend so, yeah its back.

If anyone knows what the name of the slime is and what I can do to stop it id love to hear it. I only have 40 days or so of flower to go and I dont want to risk a thing. I should pull a good amount of smoke from the four of them.



Well-Known Member
It's normal for a little slime to build on inorganic surfaces, but are you talking shit loads of slime?

And your roots look healthy? There's no slime on your actual roots?


Active Member
personally never had "slime" on my stuff however after a while there is a buildup of what i can only guess is the stuff from neuts.

Truth be told i've found the best method for dealing with my ph in dwc since i dont have a recirculating system , and everything is in individual buckets is to use a bucket just big enough to last them a few days.

Usually i finish up in 20l buckets , which they drain within 2-3 days which i fill up again , stuff never usually gets to sit that long to fluctuate about.

Only time its a real bitch is veg as they dnt have the roots to drink the watter that quick( so ill usually change it every 1-2 weeks. Tho truth be told , ive found the plants can take alot of ware and tare as long as everything else is dialed in.

Ofc if you can constantly keep you ph at 5.8 or what ever you feel your plan needs this will obv be benificial , however i've never really noticed any real problems and I usually only sort my ph when there being fed.


Well-Known Member
I get slime, white cloudy gew, hard white crystal crap all sorts of junk in there. How often do you wash the res, I clean it once every two weeks until they get about 3ft and then every week after that size as it uses more water.


Active Member
Lordjin, when I blew out the lines from the pump and the return line a lot came out. Enough to cover the bottom of a shop sink. The roots have no slime, there is some discoloration on the part near th part next to the netpor but used flora nova for the first week. I assumed that was from the FN.

Thanks Kanx.

Chrishydro, this was the first time I cleaned it... So 5/6 Weeks. Am I suppose to clean it more ofteen? Sorry for the noob questions, I have a tone of experience with organic container growing. I just jumped into the hydro without doing enough reserch.


Active Member
Thanks ss1. Just a thought, do the big hydro companies fir tomatos and what not have to clean as often? Ive read that thay dont use things like air stones and what not. They do the water fall thing.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't worry too much if the slime isn't on your roots. Just flush and clean every week or two, keep the water cool, and you'll be fine.