another obama broken promise


Well-Known Member


New Member
this guy is a real f'ing jerk. any campaign promises this guy will actually keep? cant wait for the "free" healthcare to kick in. welcome to the banana republic of the united states.
Well, I totally agree with your assertion that Obama is a jerk, but did you read the article?

The busts in question were in Federal National Forests and the growers were Mexican Nationals growing for the the Mexican cartels. I believe Obama's promise pertained to medical marijuana co-ops.


Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
Well, I totally agree with your assertion that Obama is a jerk, but did you read the article?

The busts in question were in Federal National Forests and the growers were Mexican Nationals growing for the the Mexican cartels. I believe Obama's promise pertained to medical marijuana co-ops.

As much as I dislike Obama and his performance on things, I have to give him the point on exactly what you stated. Not licensed, not medical, and not even US citizens growing it. Sad loss for the weed but that wasn't a legal grow and also good riddance to the illegals.