Another nail in that blue wave coffin GDP forecast is 4.8%


Well-Known Member
You going to also bring up Obama's +/- 2 percent GDP with interesting rates at zero?
Wages are stagnant and cost of living is skyrocketing under trump. Gas is way up, food is way up, and gop sabotage has sent healthcare through the fucking roof

Go ahead and tell everyone how great the economy is as they struggle to afford the basics, trumptard


Well-Known Member
Wages are stagnant and cost of living is skyrocketing under trump. Gas is way up, food is way up, and gop sabotage has sent healthcare through the fucking roof

Go ahead and tell everyone how great the economy is as they struggle to afford the basics, trumptard
Wages are stagnant and cost of living is skyrocketing under trump. Gas is way up, food is way up, and gop sabotage has sent healthcare through the fucking roof

Go ahead and tell everyone how great the economy is as they struggle to afford the basics, trumptard
If you think I'm a Trumpet supporter, you're batshit crazy.


Well-Known Member
What a crock of shit.........lets see what you left off the list for liberals:

1. Murder millions of babies by abortion

2. Use gov. agencies against political parties they don't agree with

3. Do whatever is necessary to win elections including lie, cheat and jail opponents

4. Brainwash the youth of the nation for reach long term goals

I'm leaving out the 50 items to leave you room to respond.


Well-Known Member
Did you guys not have your Froot Loops for breakfast this morning? Your viewpoints are so narrow, be careful you don't fall off!
It is scary you claim to be a libertarian and you do not even know the parties platform. You sir need to do some research. I did when i was looking at Gary Johnston last cycle did not take me long to go nope. Bat Shit crazy platform.