Another how long thread

Huel Perkins

Well-Known Member
That wasn't my point, Huel. Needs vary at different stages. Stop giving bad advice.
I know that wasn't your point but you proved me right none the less. I am well aware of the plant's different needs in different stages of its life, I never said otherwise. The plant is deficient, there is no reason for mases of yellowing upper fan leaves at that stage in the grow (6 weeks).

Please tell me and everyone else reading this exactly what bad advice I've given here.


Well-Known Member
Boosting N at this stage. It shouldn't be considered in this situation (based on pictures and description of what's been going on). What exactly did I prove you right about, lol...


Well-Known Member
cn - Micros are good if epsom isn't available. Believe it or not, I couldn't find epsom without added artificial fragrance a couple of months ago in my town. The EJ Microblast (ordered from Amazon) will take care of such deficiencies and you can repeat every 2 weeks. With epsom, it's generally considered best practice to administer only once during a grow.


Ursus marijanus
cn - Micros are good if epsom isn't available. Believe it or not, I couldn't find epsom without added artificial fragrance a couple of months ago in my town. The EJ Microblast (ordered from Amazon) will take care of such deficiencies and you can repeat every 2 weeks. With epsom, it's generally considered best practice to administer only once during a grow.
I went to Walgreens and did find a six-pound bag. I've used it in my latest grow with success, after finding my plants wanted more Mg than GH Flora Series provided.
My opinion about micros is ... that they're indicated for the appropriate deficiency. Micro deficiencies are quite rare ime, since every feed out there has ample chelated iron. Over the last year, I've looked at "Zn or Mn deficiency"? threads with fascination, and found it to be a misdiagnosis every time. I don't think I've seen Fe-deficient plants here except for outdoor dirt grows that weren't nuted.
So while I am not arguing against the necessity of micros, I find legitimate/actual micronutrient deficiencies to be uncommon. cn


Well-Known Member
EJM covers magnesium and sulphur which are pretty common and I guess is insurance against zinc, copper and some others. I also give my plants a blast of Ferti-lome chelated iron once or twice a growing season and that will perk them up. Berries, in particular, enjoy that. I don't feed heavily or water a lot because I'm planting in the ground. Use a lot of alfalfa mulch and compost.

PS Hubby did pick me up some no-fragrance epsom at wally world so I have some now on hand.


Well-Known Member
Liquid Micronutrients. Earth Juice® Microblast is a proprietary liquid formula to be used to prevent and correct micronutrient deficiencies. Contains Magnesium 0.50%; Boron 0.02%; Cobalt 0.0005%; Iron 0.10%; Manganese 0.05%; Molybdenum 0.0005%; and Zinc 0.05% in an organic base. Naturally buffered for assured plant absorption. May be added to nutrient solution reservoirs, watered in or used as a foliage spray.

Directions for Use:
Use 1-2 tsp. Microblast per gallon of water, every 2 to 4 weeks.

Ingredients: Kelp meal, magnesium sulfate, borax, cobalt sulfate, ferrous sulfate, manganese sulfate, sodium molybdate and zinc sulfate.


I think it was like $15/quart at amazon, but you use very little. I used it twice as a foliar spray and may use it one last time next week. I'll probably have the bottle for 5 years at this rate :)

Huel Perkins

Well-Known Member
Boosting N at this stage. It shouldn't be considered in this situation (based on pictures and description of what's been going on). What exactly did I prove you right about, lol...
I think you need to go back and reread my posts in this thread...

Huel Perkins

Well-Known Member
Not until you learn to read. Your whole argument is that you're implying I said things I never said. You never answered my question, that is the reason I didn't directly answer yours. Instead I told you where to find the answer...


Well-Known Member
You're right ... I was remembering pics of plants in another thread to which I've recently replied. Duh on me.
At this stage, and considering how close the grower here is to harvest, I would not bother with micros. But Mg and S could be to point, and adding both is as easy as Epsom. 1 gram per liter of water is good for 100ppm Mg and about 130ppm S. cn
Great reply, i will wait until the next watering and give them straight water with some epsom salts and see if that helps any, thanks


Well-Known Member
OK so i have a question, one of my plants nearer to the back on the tent the outside of the buds on the main cola are becoming crunchy but still somewhat gooey, what does this mean?

It is farther from the light than some of the others, the cool tube and inline fan keep it nice and cool and it is far enough away from the plants to prevent any drying out.

It appears approx 80-90% of the hairs have gone amber on this particular cola, i will upload some pictures tonight when i get home.

Any ideas why this might be happening and what would be the best thing to do?

I would prefer if it bulked up a bit, but i don't want to leave it for too long if it might be something else.

Any help is greatly appreciated.