Another Beheading


Well-Known Member
I agree, send them all to Allah and let him/her figure out what to do with them.

Trash, belongs in the trash can.

Peace and death to all ISIS members.

just like any other terrorist organization (and NOT the peoples)

i vote to level that place even if it means gas at $10/gallon (which it wouldn't anyway)


Well-Known Member
These people deserve no quarter or even the benefit of being considered as combatants and afforded all the benefits of that. They should be dealt with quickly and decisively. There is a reason why the United States has never lost to another Air Force, because we have the best. Destroy them all. Eradicate the scum that is ISIS

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
all these lefties banging on their war drums.

aint it funny how war is evil, unless a democrat is calling the tune, then WAR GOOD!

meanwhile a couple journalists get killed, and now it's time to wipe out a terrorist organization, regardless of collateral damage, but israel is committing "genocide" (despite 1100% population growth among the pallies) by rooting out hamas and hezzbollah when they shoot rockets into their neighborhoods.