anone know anything about water curing


Well-Known Member
lol.. WTF!?

Never heard of this. I would def. be interested though if this is a legit method..



Weed Modifier
If you got weed that smells like hay, or tastes like swag... then yes water curing will help bring out the good shit in your buds. Well at least make it smell better...lmao.


Active Member
Yeah, you put all your buds in soaking ice water and then let them dry with some sort of food oxygen machine. THC is water soluble so you wont lose any trichomes. At the end, you get a little bit more potent bud but a little bit less weight. That's not the "exact" way to do it but its a general outline if ya know what i mean!


Water curing your weed after you harvest does it even work is it recommended to do or what , :leaf::-o
Do an advanced search with the words "water curing" and you should find all kinds of info.
Alot of people have differing opinions. I'm pretty sure you don't want to use ice in the water tho.
Good luck.
i water cure all my head stash,,smoothest, thickest potent smoke i got, full cure takes 8 days, 7 in water one air..temp of water does not matter, keep it in a cool dark place buds must stay submerged always to prevent mold , changing the water once daily, careful not to shake the buds to much. leave uncovered always! on the eighth day remove the buds and put them in a food dehydrator on low for 4-5 hours,, you will be very very pleased with the results. The water removes all vegg matter , leaving only thc, you loose about 5-9% more wieght.


Active Member
i water cure all my head stash,,smoothest, thickest potent smoke i got, full cure takes 8 days, 7 in water one air..temp of water does not matter, keep it in a cool dark place buds must stay submerged always to prevent mold , changing the water once daily, careful not to shake the buds to much. leave uncovered always! on the eighth day remove the buds and put them in a food dehydrator on low for 4-5 hours,, you will be very very pleased with the results. The water removes all vegg matter , leaving only thc, you loose about 5-9% more wieght.
...pretty much the gist of it

But, let me elaborate some lol,
*I used distilled water to change it out everyday.

*make sure to manicure the buds before submerging in water

*I did not have acces to a dehydrator so i just put the buds in front of a small fan for a day or so(whenever they are dry)
they will dry kinda hard, and in my case really really dark green and extremely small compared to "fresh" size.
Smoke is real smooth, has no smell pretty much or taste, annnnd it IS more potent per ammount of bud than air dry/cure.