Ann Coulter's Beauty Secret


Well-Known Member
Ann Coulter's Beauty Secret

by Scott C., WO'C's Children of the Night Correspondent

When best-selling author Ann Coulter arrived at Charles Coughlin College in Lynchville, Illinois, Ceci Lawrence was shocked." She looked so different from her photos," the 22-year old co-ed marveled." She had these long, bony fingers, and her skin was all stretched and thin like rice paper, and I remember thinking during her speech: she looks like a talking kite." It was then that Ceci and several of her sorority sisters resolved to do something for their distinguished visitor.

"We decided to have a blood drive," Ceci said, "So that Ann could renew the unholy forces which animate her flesh by bathing in the blood of the innocent. Let’s face it—she travels all the time and that’s got to play havoc with any sort of rigorous beauty regimen. After all, the average human body only contains six quarts of blood, so you can imagine how many virgins it would take to fill up even one of those crappy little tubs at the Ramada Inn. I mean, come on—she can’t just keep dropping by and draining Ben Shapiro for a pint—he’s starting to look bleached."

Finding a sufficient number of uncontaminated maidens, even on the campus of a conservative bible college, proved to be a chore. "Yeah," observed Ceci. "It was a lot of work, but it was worth it. Ann is my role model."

Ceci explained that she began college as a Speech Communications major. "I wanted to be on TV, so I was studying to be a spokesmodel. My dad wanted me to be a lawyer, but that was like way too much work, thank you very much. But then I saw Ann on Fox News, and realized that you could be a lawyer even if you didn’t practice law, or go to court, or know anything about the constitution. And even better, people would like. . .pay you to go on TV and say bitchy stuff about people! It’s like somebody saying, ‘Hey! Spreading rumors that all the smart girls are lesbians and then locking yourself in your dorm room and masturbating to Whittaker Chamber’s Witness is actually a job. We’ll pay you for that!’ My god! Having Fox News in your life is like having a rich boyfriend who’s too Episcopalian to demand a handjob! Anywat. . . The very next day I switched my major, and next year after I graduate, I hope to follow in Ann’s footsteps and attend the Barbizon School of Law."

Asked if the arduous, daylong blood drive was worth it, Ceci was unequivocal. "Absolutely! For one thing, Ann and I have become very friendly as a result. And for another, I’m pretty sure that if she’d gone one more day without blood she would have started killing my roommates."

And how does Ann Coulter herself feel about this outpouring of admiration and blood? The blanched and hollow-eyed pundit flashed an enthusiastic thumbs-up as she lowered her emaciated carcass into a hip-bath brimming with virgin gore. "Ahh," she said, splashing the ruddy, life-giving fluid over her bony chest, "This is the life. Or the undeath, anyway."



New Member
When best-selling author Ann Coulter arrived at Charles Coughlin College in Lynchville, Illinois, Ceci Lawrence, oblivios to the enthusiastic reception taking place behind her, was shocked by her own image, suddenly revealed in the mirrored void which lay under the once precariously stacked cocktail wieners she, only moments early, had been gluttonously shoving into her hog like snout.

Have you seen Ceci? No wonder she's still a virgin......(if you discount the trist with her "half" brother). Picture Allen Colmes with a perm.



New Member
~lol~ :mrgreen:

There is nothing so pleasurable as to see a "vampire" like Ann Coulter drain the life-blood out of blood-sucking liberals.



New Member
she keeps her dick well tucked.

her head so far up Bush's ass


Bush's ass, hahahahahahahhahhhahhhhhahhhahhhhhhh

Howard Kurtz - Coulter Rips Bush -

Give me a moment to catch my breath. I just heard Ann Coulter say something remarkable.

It wasn't one of her patented attacks on liberals and other heathens. It was a casually tossed-off line about the president of the United States: "We're all just waiting for this nincompoop to be gone. I think we're all finally on the same page on that."

Did I blink and miss something? Is Bush now toast with the entire conservative movement? Unfortunately, Chris Cuomo didn't follow up during the "Good Morning America" interview. Coulter did praise Bush's handling of the war, but opined that "his domestic policy has been an embarrassment."

Yada, yada, yada.............


New Member
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica]Jewish World Review August 21, 2008 / 20 Menachem-Av 5768[/FONT]

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Constitutional scholar Obama questions legality of slavery ban
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica] By Ann Coulter [/FONT]

[FONT=Helvetica, Arial]Judaism: The Jewish site |[/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica] This week, Barack Obama's challenge is to select a running mate who's young, hip, and whose accomplishments in life don't overshadow Obama's. Allow me to suggest Kevin Federline. [/FONT]
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The only thing we can be sure of is that Obama will choose someone who is the polar opposite of all his advisers until now. In other words, it will be a very, very white male who was probably proud of his country even before being chosen as Obama's running mate.
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Obama's got a lot of ground to make up following that performance last weekend at the Saddleback presidential forum with pastor Rick Warren.
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After seeing Obama defend infanticide with the glib excuse that the question of when life begins is above his "pay-grade," Rev. Jeremiah Wright announced that although he's known Obama for 30 years, he only recently became aware of how extreme the senator's viewpoints were. Wright, after all, has his reputation to consider.
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Network heads responded by dashing off an urgent memo: During the main presidential debates this fall, ask NO questions about abortion, ethics or evil!Morality isn't the Democrats' forte.
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Obama's defenders spin his abominable performance in the Saddleback forum by saying he's just too smart to give a straight answer. As Rick Warren charitably described Obama's debate performance: "He likes to nuance things ... He's a constitutional attorney." The constitutional lawyer "does nuance," as Bill Maher said on "Larry King Live," "and you saw how well that goes over with the Rick Warren people."
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If that's Obama's excuse, he ought to know a few basics about the Constitution.
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Did the big constitutional lawyer whose "nuance" is too sophisticated for Rick Warren's audience see the letter his wife sent out on his behalf in 2004? Michelle Obama denounced a federal law banning partial-birth abortion, writing that "this ban on a legitimate medical procedure is clearly unconstitutional." Clearly!
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The Supreme Court later found the law not "unconstitutional," but "constitutional" — which I believe may have been the precise moment when Michelle Obama realized just how ashamed she had always been of her country.
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But most stunningly, when Warren asked Obama if he supported a constitutional amendment defining marriage as between a man and a woman, Obama said he did not "because historically — because historically, we have not defined marriage in our Constitution."
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I don't care if you support a marriage amendment or not. That answer is literally the stupidest thing I've ever heard anyone say. If marriage were already defined in the Constitution, we wouldn't need an amendment, no?
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Say, you know what else was "historically" not defined in the Constitution? Slavery. The words "slavery" and "slave" do not appear once in the original Constitution. The framers correctly thought it would sully the freedom-enshrining document to acknowledge the repellent practice. (Much like abortion!)
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But in 1865, the 13th Amendment banned slavery throughout the land, in the first constitutional phrase ever to mention "slavery": "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction."
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On Obama's "historical" argument, they shouldn't have passed the 13th Amendment because the Constitution "historically" had not mentioned slavery.
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Do we know for a fact Barack Obama has read the Constitution? Obama's Facebook profile: "I'm pro-infanticide, I love sunsets, and I don't get the 13th Amendment!"
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This is the guy who thinks he can condescend to Clarence Thomas? Asked at the Saddleback forum which Supreme Court justice Obama would not have nominated, Obama said ... the black one!
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In Obama's defense, he said he thought Thomas wasn't experienced enough "at the time." So I guess Obama thinks Thomas should have to "wait his turn."
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By contrast, Obama has experience pouring out of those big ears of his. Asked last year by Robin Roberts on ABC's "Good Morning America" about his lack of experience in foreign policy, Obama took umbrage.
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Swelling up his puny little chest, Obama said: "Well, actually, my experience in foreign policy is probably more diverse than most others in the field. I'm somebody who has actually lived overseas, somebody who has studied overseas. I majored in international relations."
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He actually cited his undergraduate major as a qualification to be president.
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But on Saturday night, Obama said he didn't think Clarence Thomas was a "strong enough jurist or legal thinker" to be put on the Supreme Court.
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I bet Thomas has heard of the 13th Amendment!
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Ann Coulter is the author of, most recently, "Godless: The Church of Liberalism".

Ann Coulter Archives
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]BUY ANN'S LATEST
"Godless: The Church of Liberalism"
[/FONT][FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif] GodLESS is the most explosive book yet from #1 New York Times bestselling author Ann Coulter. In this completely original and thoroughly controversial work, Coulter writes, "Liberals love to boast that they are not 'religious,' which is what one would expect to hear from the state-sanctioned religion. Of course liberalism is a religion. It has its own cosmology, its own miracles, its own beliefs in the supernatural, its own churches, its own high priests, its own saints, its own total worldview, and its own explanation of the existence of the universe. In other words, liberalism contains all the attributes of what is generally known as 'religion.'" GodLESS throws open the doors of the “Church of Liberalism.” [/FONT]

© 2006 Universial Media


New Member
Isn't it interesting how the most effective and most successful people tend to raise the ire of collectivists the most? :mrgreen:



New Member
Isn't it interesting how the most effective and most successful people tend to raise the ire of collectivists the most? :mrgreen:

I don't think that's it dude...I would not have even thought of ann coulter if someone had not brought her up...

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I agree with tips.I just think she's an ugly woman.I saw beauty secret and said hm, better find out cuz I wanna avoid that shit.:mrgreen: