Angel Trumpets


Well-Known Member
Datura Inoxia is what you're looking for. Datura Brugmansia isn't. Leaf structure and seed pods look different. Kind if a grey color to the stalk and leaves have multiple points. I like to dry the flower and add it to a j.


Well-Known Member
don't know much about angels trumpet, but I would say both it and datura is best left alone. I grew up in the desert, where datura grows wild... on occasion kids would try it... but only once and never again... it really can kill you, and the trip isn't very much fun (and you usually don't remember anything afterward anyway) If you want to trip, there are much better options. I guess it comes down to whether you are interested in the experience, or just want to show how bad you are... if it is the latter, then try smoking it, while chomping some seeds, and chasing with a shot of strong tea... that'll show how hard you are...


Well-Known Member
Just the experience for me. I would love to try DMT as long as I don't have have some kind of religious experience. I'm atheist. I do believe that certain hallucinogenics can open your mind.


Well-Known Member
Datura can kill you, make you go blind (you will definitely not be able to see well for at least a week or 2 after).

It makes you highly impressionable (Me: Give me your debit card You: Ok Me: Thanks ... what's your PIN again You: Oh, it's 1234 Me: <already gone>) it's used in a bunch of countries where they drug tourists with it and then just rob them of everything they have.

The experience isn't as hallucinatory or dissociative as good psychadelics, you likely won't remember anything and if you do won't be able to make sense of it.

Of the hundreds of drugs I've done scopolamine (the active drug in datura that you are talking about) is probably the worst, worse then flakka (α-PVP), MDPV, Mephadrone, synthetic cannibinoids etc. etc. etc.

Just don't fuck with it, I don't know why with all the many drugs you have to choose from why you would have any interest in this poison?


Well-Known Member
Just the experience for me. I would love to try DMT as long as I don't have have some kind of religious experience. I'm atheist. I do believe that certain hallucinogenics can open your mind.

Your mind is both open and closed at the same time. Sounds like you want to party and put notches on your belt. I mean not to offend but you seem to have some maturing to do before you step into the realm. These substances need to be respected. You don’t seem to understand that this isn’t a game


Well-Known Member
Your mind is both open and closed at the same time. Sounds like you want to party and put notches on your belt. I mean not to offend but you seem to have some maturing to do before you step into the realm. These substances need to be respected. You don’t seem to understand that this isn’t a game

I find that the substances themselves will scold anyone who does not take them seriously. Mushrooms have a way of demanding respect should they sense that they are not being sufficiently feared.

It's only sad that some. Emerging from an encounter, frightened and shaken will claim it was "only a bad trip". But the mushroom has made its point. Scopolamine and atropine may teach on more assertive ways, like simply but agonizingly ending the life of the user.