An American armed with a pistol and a 40-inch sword was detained in northern Pakistan

Fullmoon kid

Active Member
Im pretty sure its established Osama is and has been dead for a number of years now.If he's not he is more likely living in Montana or Texas than Pakistan or Afgahnistan.


Global Moderator
Staff member
Ok, I did a bit of digging - this guy sounds pretty serious.
He decided to use his last bit of life to try & make a difference in ours.
Read a bit further into the story before you call him a nutjob.

An ailing American on a solo mission to kill Usama bin Laden was going for his "last hurrah" when he flew to Pakistan to hunt the master terrorist, but he was detained by Pakistani police before he found his prey.
Gary Brooks Faulkner, a 50-year-old construction contractor from Colorado, was picked up in a remote forest near the Pakistan/Afghanistan border carrying a pistol, a 40-inch sword and night-vision equipment, according to Pakistani police.
Though he never served in the military or had combat training, Faulkner is in "great shape" and has been trained in hapkido, a Korean martial art, his brother told
But Faulkner suffers from polycystic kidney disease that has left him with only 9 percent kidney function, and he requires dialysis treatments three times a week, his family said.
"Now that he's on dialysis he realized that this is going to be his last hurrah," said Dr. Scott Faulkner, an internist in Fort Morgan, Colo. "One way or the other he knew — if his kidneys failed him, he could die on the mountain, he could take a bullet, or he could get bin Laden."
He said his brother, an avid hunter, told friends and family he was seeking much bigger game in Pakistan.
"After what Usama has done to our country and American troops and our people" — and in light of the government's failure to capture the most wanted man in the world for nearly a decade — Faulkner dedicated himself to locating and executing bin Laden and his inner circle, his brother said.
"Gary thought he's the man for the job," he said.
Faulkner was making his seventh trip to Pakistan since 2002, combing an area rumored to be among bin Laden's hiding places near the Afghan border.
He was assigned a police escort upon his arrival, but he eluded the officer and walked off on his own. He was located by Pakistani police and detained while trying to cross into Afghanistan's Nooristan region, officials said.
Faulkner's brother said he did not know how he acquired the sword and pistol Pakistani authorities said he was carrying when they detained him in a town in the Chitral Forest.
"He owns weapons in the U.S., but he did not take any of those weapons with him to Pakistan," Dr. Faulkner said. But he said his brother arms himself in preparation when he travels to Pakistan.
"He always carries swords there," Dr. Faulkner told "They're everywhere — getting a sword is easy."
Faulkner speaks only a smattering of Urdu, the main dialect of Pakistan, which he has picked up during his several trips to the region. He called his brother in Colorado after returning to the country's urban south to receive dialysis treatment.
"He contacted me about five days ago," Dr. Faulkner said. "He went down to southern Pakistan and he had to get dialysis — he was feeling pretty weak." After a round of treatment, which he normally receives every other day in the U.S., Faulkner told his brother he was feeling great again.
The Denver Post reported that Faulkner has been arrested several times in Colorado, according to Colorado Bureau of Investigation Records. He served prison sentences at least twice, in 1981 and 1986, on burglary and larceny convictions, and was sentenced to one year in jail on a domestic violence assault conviction in 1996.
More recently, Faulkner was arrested in Greeley, Colo., in 2006 on a misdemeanor "failure to appear" warrant from another jurisdiction, according to records, the Denver Post reported.
When Pakistani police picked up Faulkner on Sunday he carrying a book containing Christian verses and teachings and told them he believed God would help him find and kill bin Laden.
His brother said the book was likely the Bible. He said Faulkner does not attend church regularly and is not a religious "nut job," but he carries a Bible everywhere he goes.
"He is a deeply religious man; he believes that God's got his back, and I believe that, too," he said. Faulkner is divorced and has a son.
Dr. Faulkner said his brother is not crazy, no matter how improbable his quest may appear to those outside the family.
"I'm a physician — I would know if my brother was schizophrenic or bipolar," he said. "He's very passionate," he added, describing his brother's 8-year hunt for the terror chief as "pretty bold."
"I think more people wish they had that kind of passion in their lives."

Big P

Well-Known Member
Ok, I did a bit of digging - this guy sounds pretty serious.
He decided to use his last bit of life to try & make a difference in ours.
Read a bit further into the story before you call him a nutjob.

An ailing American on a solo mission to kill Usama bin Laden was going for his "last hurrah" when he flew to Pakistan to hunt the master terrorist, but he was detained by Pakistani police before he found his prey.
Gary Brooks Faulkner, a 50-year-old construction contractor from Colorado, was picked up in a remote forest near the Pakistan/Afghanistan border carrying a pistol, a 40-inch sword and night-vision equipment, according to Pakistani police.
Though he never served in the military or had combat training, Faulkner is in "great shape" and has been trained in hapkido, a Korean martial art, his brother told
But Faulkner suffers from polycystic kidney disease that has left him with only 9 percent kidney function, and he requires dialysis treatments three times a week, his family said.
"Now that he's on dialysis he realized that this is going to be his last hurrah," said Dr. Scott Faulkner, an internist in Fort Morgan, Colo. "One way or the other he knew — if his kidneys failed him, he could die on the mountain, he could take a bullet, or he could get bin Laden."
He said his brother, an avid hunter, told friends and family he was seeking much bigger game in Pakistan.
"After what Usama has done to our country and American troops and our people" — and in light of the government's failure to capture the most wanted man in the world for nearly a decade — Faulkner dedicated himself to locating and executing bin Laden and his inner circle, his brother said.
"Gary thought he's the man for the job," he said.
Faulkner was making his seventh trip to Pakistan since 2002, combing an area rumored to be among bin Laden's hiding places near the Afghan border.
He was assigned a police escort upon his arrival, but he eluded the officer and walked off on his own. He was located by Pakistani police and detained while trying to cross into Afghanistan's Nooristan region, officials said.
Faulkner's brother said he did not know how he acquired the sword and pistol Pakistani authorities said he was carrying when they detained him in a town in the Chitral Forest.
"He owns weapons in the U.S., but he did not take any of those weapons with him to Pakistan," Dr. Faulkner said. But he said his brother arms himself in preparation when he travels to Pakistan.
"He always carries swords there," Dr. Faulkner told "They're everywhere — getting a sword is easy."
Faulkner speaks only a smattering of Urdu, the main dialect of Pakistan, which he has picked up during his several trips to the region. He called his brother in Colorado after returning to the country's urban south to receive dialysis treatment.
"He contacted me about five days ago," Dr. Faulkner said. "He went down to southern Pakistan and he had to get dialysis — he was feeling pretty weak." After a round of treatment, which he normally receives every other day in the U.S., Faulkner told his brother he was feeling great again.
The Denver Post reported that Faulkner has been arrested several times in Colorado, according to Colorado Bureau of Investigation Records. He served prison sentences at least twice, in 1981 and 1986, on burglary and larceny convictions, and was sentenced to one year in jail on a domestic violence assault conviction in 1996.
More recently, Faulkner was arrested in Greeley, Colo., in 2006 on a misdemeanor "failure to appear" warrant from another jurisdiction, according to records, the Denver Post reported.
When Pakistani police picked up Faulkner on Sunday he carrying a book containing Christian verses and teachings and told them he believed God would help him find and kill bin Laden.
His brother said the book was likely the Bible. He said Faulkner does not attend church regularly and is not a religious "nut job," but he carries a Bible everywhere he goes.
"He is a deeply religious man; he believes that God's got his back, and I believe that, too," he said. Faulkner is divorced and has a son.
Dr. Faulkner said his brother is not crazy, no matter how improbable his quest may appear to those outside the family.
"I'm a physician — I would know if my brother was schizophrenic or bipolar," he said. "He's very passionate," he added, describing his brother's 8-year hunt for the terror chief as "pretty bold."
"I think more people wish they had that kind of passion in their lives."

nice find

A real American Hero

I should hope we already have lots of operaters in the area already, but who knows


Global Moderator
Staff member
Big P A real American Hero I should hope we already have lots of operaters in the area already said:
I agree whole heartedly - instead of vilifying him perhaps more should emulate him.


Well-Known Member
A guy caught armed in pakistan and they checked him into a hotel? Sweet deal. I would of thought he never would of seen the light of day again.///////

Big P

Well-Known Member
i think he was already in a lawless tribal reagion in the outskirts but your right lol they checked him into a hotel lol

i guess when you go out there everyone is armed like in the wild west days, prolly where he got his gun and maybe smuggled thge night vision in his luggage?

they caught a dude at the airport recently flying from usa to egypt i think it was.

when he got to egypt they found guns and swords in his checked baggage

i saw it in the news the other day i think

Ten bag

Well-Known Member
+100000000 to him!!
im glad that theres people like this

they shouldent have detained him, should have let him carry on with it

if he dies he dies, he knows he could get killed and he's obviously more than fine with it.

and the fact that he brought a sword to a gunfight though? epic, truly epic.

Mucho respect for the wannabe solid snake ;D

should have equipped the carboard box though tbf, they never would have found him to detain him then (Y)

maybe bin laden got wise after playing metal gear and constantly has the cardboard box equipped?

thats the most feasable reason as to why we cant find him



Global Moderator
Staff member
Here's the follow-on story on Gary Faulkner.
This guy has the Stones and I have nothing but respect for him.
We need a bunch more with this attitude.

Bin Laden Hunter Says He'll 'Absolutely' Try Again
Published June 24, 201
DENVER -- A Colorado man who traveled to Pakistan to hunt down Usama bin Laden said he'll "absolutely" try again, despite his arrest in the woods of northern Pakistan.
Gary Faulkner returned home to Greeley, Colo., late Wednesday after being detained June 13 when authorities found him armed with a pistol, a sword and night-vision equipment. He was eventually moved to Islamabad before being released without charges Wednesday morning, according to his brother.
The tired yet buoyant construction worker reached Denver around midnight and spoke briefly with reporters, saying he was feeling good. "All I want to do is get some rest," he said.
But during a stopover in Los Angeles, Faulkner was asked by reporters if he planned to return.
"Absolutely," he said. He added cryptically, "You'll find out at the end of August."
Faulkner said he was well cared for during his confinement and that Pakistani medical workers administered dialysis to treat his kidney disease.
Scott Faulkner, a physician in the northeastern Colorado town of Fort Morgan, said he intended to check his brother's health on Thursday. He traveled from Los Angeles with other family members to bring his brother home.
He had dropped him off at the airport in Colorado on May 30 and wasn't sure he'd see him again. But he and other relatives have insisted that Gary Faulkner left the U.S. unarmed, had a valid visa for Pakistan and was guilty of no crime while there.
In Pakistan, Gary Faulkner told officials he was out to kill the Al Qaeda leader. He sold his construction tools to finance six trips on what relatives have called a Rambo-type mission to kill or capture bin Laden. He grew out his hair and beard to fit in better.
He said organizing his trip "took a lot of money and a lot of time."
"This is not about me. What this is about is the American people and the world," he said in comments aired on KTLA-TV. "We can't let people like this scare us. We don't get scared by people like this, we scare them and that's what this is about. We're going to take care of business."
Scott Faulkner said last week that his brother wasn't crazy, just determined to find the man America's military has failed to capture nearly a decade after the 9/11 attacks.
"Is it out of the norm? Yes, it is. But is it crazy? No," Scott Faulkner said. "If he wore a uniform and called himself special ops, would he be crazy?"
State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley told reporters in Washington that the family would have the best information on Faulkner's case. Faulkner, two department officials have said, refused to sign a waiver allowing the government to discuss his case publicly.
"In this particular case, as in all cases where we have an American citizen in custody of another country, we are in touch with that individual, we are in touch with his family," Crowley said. "We stayed in close contact with him and with his family throughout this, and we are gratified it was resolved rapidly."
Relatives have said they hope the trip encourages more people to look for bin Laden.
"Now there's going to be hopefully a renewed effort to get this guy -- he's still wanted, and he's still out there," Scott Faulkner said last week.


Well-Known Member
Hes very brave for doing this but I also think hes very lucky.He went with a sword,pistol and night vision goggles.Do you really think he would of captured osama with just that?If osamas still alive he probably has a army surrounding him.
Thank god he didn't run into them because he would of probably popped up on youtube being beheaded.

Big P

Well-Known Member
ya im not convinced they wont still get him and chop his head off on utube

I think hes planning to go back in august


Well-Known Member
He might not even have to go back for it to happen.
Imo him getting all of this media attention is stupid and putting his family at risk.
All it takes is one nutcase extremist with a gun to fuck there shit up.

Big P

Well-Known Member
damn i just heard hes going on the View lol

I gotta see this



He would have had better luck searching for Bin Laden in Langley, Virginia. Or maybe in G.W.'s guest house in Texas.