America Wastes $22 Trillion In War On Poverty


Well-Known Member
The Census Bureau's annual report on poverty, released Tuesday, is noteworthy because this year marks the 50th anniversary of President Lyndon Johnson's launch of the War on Poverty.

Liberals claim that the war has failed because we didn't spend enough money. Their answer is to spend more. But the facts show otherwise.

Since its beginning, U.S. taxpayers have spent $22 trillion on Johnson's War on Poverty (in constant 2012 dollars). Adjusting for inflation, that's three times more than was spent on all military wars since the American Revolution.

The media frequently associate the idea of poverty with being homeless. But less than 2% of the poor are homeless. Only one in 10 live in mobile homes. The typical house or apartment of the poor is in good repair, uncrowded and actually larger than the average dwelling of non-poor French, Germans or English.

According to government surveys, the typical family that Census identifies as poor has air-conditioning, cable or satellite TV, and a computer. Forty percent have a wide-screen HDTV, and another 40% have Internet access. Three quarters of the poor own a car and roughly a third have two or more cars.

what's fucked is, many of them think they are entitled to our tax dollars.


Well-Known Member
The poverty rate was 13.4% when that genius LBJ started this stupidity. It's now 14.5% after spending $22 trillion dollars. Why? Because the govt doesn't count all the free shit they give people ( and by FREE, I mean something someone else worked for ) when they calculate whether you are below the poverty line. So make $20,000, let your fat ass wife lay around the house and spit out welfare babies and continue to suckle on the tit of the American taxpayer. If you don't pay taxes, shut the fuck up.


Well-Known Member
And I love how liberals are so compassionate with other peoples money.
And lives.

Here police officer / Soldier / Fireman, take this short, light weight, weaker, slower, female as your "back up" in case you get in any trouble....oh, and you'll have to carry part of her load as well because she's too fucking weak to do it herself.

Liberals have no fucking concept of logic.


Well-Known Member
And lives.

Here police officer / Soldier / Fireman, take this short, light weight, weaker, slower, female as your "back up" in case you get in any trouble....oh, and you'll have to carry part of her load as well because she's too fucking weak to do it herself.

Liberals have no fucking concept of logic.
And they think socialism rocks.:lol:


Well-Known Member
Either the left hasn't learned or they are too stubborn to admit they were wrong.
Just like education, throwing more money at the problem isn't the solution.
But it sure garners votes, doesn't it..


Well-Known Member
if the war on poverty ended today, the poverty rate would double overnight.

does that make you angry right wing douchebags angry?