Amending my soil mix


Active Member
Hi Everyone,

I am currently using a mix of:
1/3 Pro-Mix HP
1/3 EWC x2/Voila Shrimp Compost x1/Voila Cow Manure Compost x 1
1/3 Perlite

1.5 cups Mykes Organic Tomato Food (5-6-8 +C)
1 cup Gaspesian Seaweed Meal (Kelp)
0.5 cups Alfalfa Meal
per cubic foot

I have ordered some Glacial Rock Dust and Neptune's Harvest Crab Meal and I'm wondering how i should incorporate it into the mix.

I currently have 2 cubic feet waiting to be used and lots more i can add to it

Any help would be greatly appreciated