amber glass hash?


Active Member
does anyone have any info on making real amber glass hash? i have searched the web for weeks now and have had no luck. i know it is from bho but is not the same.
everywhere i ask this i get responses like "amber glass is just honey oil" or " there is no such thing", etc... if you don't know what it is dont give me a bull answer. not meaning to sound like a prick but i am slightly frustrated by trolls.
everyone that really knows how to make it seems to keep it a secret. i underestand this since it's such a rare amazing product, but i would just really like to know how to make it for personal use. if you dont want to post it, shoot me a pm =)
any help or info pointing me in the right direction is very much appreciated!


Well-Known Member
looks like the stuff i make with 99% iso, almost identical, mine is also rock hard and amber.