Amanita Muscaria. Experiences?


Well-Known Member
I've been reading about this, and there seems to be a lot of conflicting info, for some reason it isn't as popular as youd think a legal mushroom to be. It sounds like some hardcore shit, like seeing different dimensions, while they explain how they each have a single purpose.. It sounds insane.


Active Member
My friend did em... Bought em in a headshop and he said that he definatly got high but wouldnt call it a trip. Which is generally how it seems to be described. Like a really heavy indica. Then there is the difference between the yellowey north american variety and the redder european variety. The north american ones wont make you trip hardly at all so if you are in north american and plan on hunting them, dont. Just buy em from a headshop and I'm pretty sure they will be the right ones. But i'd stick with psilocybes.


Well-Known Member
I genersally thought that, but the way someone was describing them to me, and apparently they're extremely experienced, so I obviously think I'm missing something here. Specifically what they said was,

"is trip is: eat the amanita can be made fresh into a tea, should be nice and yellow brown. or one can dry the mofuckers in the hot sun, or 175 degree open door oven.
So trip is alot like lets say a mario game. You feel altered. You have this new field of vision, you see the etheral plane, then the subconscious scopes are brought to life, and the higher dimensions are opened up and if the dose is enough you will blast off , in my experience wayyyy mo powerfull then smoking dmt. i have not brewed ayahuasca yet.
These trips are bizzare and Intense, powerfull and spiritual!
I have experienced being Rollen over by a alternate plane Wheel of Pure gold 12 feet diameter rolling me on to the road and being knocked to the ground and stuck their.
I have spoken with a representation of the most High power in this existence, and ben shown How creation and powerplay is distributed. i have had the experience to try and creat my own island. extremely difficult."

That sounds fucking crazy.


Active Member
I genersally thought that, but the way someone was describing them to me, and apparently they're extremely experienced, so I obviously think I'm missing something here. Specifically what they said was,

"is trip is: eat the amanita can be made fresh into a tea, should be nice and yellow brown. or one can dry the mofuckers in the hot sun, or 175 degree open door oven.
So trip is alot like lets say a mario game. You feel altered. You have this new field of vision, you see the etheral plane, then the subconscious scopes are brought to life, and the higher dimensions are opened up and if the dose is enough you will blast off , in my experience wayyyy mo powerfull then smoking dmt. i have not brewed ayahuasca yet.
These trips are bizzare and Intense, powerfull and spiritual!
I have experienced being Rollen over by a alternate plane Wheel of Pure gold 12 feet diameter rolling me on to the road and being knocked to the ground and stuck their.
I have spoken with a representation of the most High power in this existence, and ben shown How creation and powerplay is distributed. i have had the experience to try and creat my own island. extremely difficult."

That sounds fucking crazy.
That experience is definatly NOT amanitas. but i sure wish i was wrong.


Well-Known Member
I live in the woods of North America and have tried the yellow and white spotted Amanitas and it was one of the worst experiences ever.

You'll get a good buzz but you'll also get some gut wrenching pains in your stomach to go with it. Stick with the psilocybes, you'll be happier.


Well-Known Member
I have quite a bit of amanita muscaria stockpiled and am much to wary to try it. I've had two friends sent to the psych ward for these mushrooms and both were very familiar to psilocybes, acid, dmt...

You can mitigate the stomach pains by brewing tea but from what I hear the problem is that if you start tripping hard you forget that your on something. You have no idea you are tripping and that the visuals are not actually there so if you imagine something bad happening you panic really really badly.

Ryder on the Storm

Well-Known Member
I genersally thought that, but the way someone was describing them to me, and apparently they're extremely experienced, so I obviously think I'm missing something here. Specifically what they said was,

"is trip is: eat the amanita can be made fresh into a tea, should be nice and yellow brown. or one can dry the mofuckers in the hot sun, or 175 degree open door oven.
So trip is alot like lets say a mario game. You feel altered. You have this new field of vision, you see the etheral plane, then the subconscious scopes are brought to life, and the higher dimensions are opened up and if the dose is enough you will blast off , in my experience wayyyy mo powerfull then smoking dmt. i have not brewed ayahuasca yet.
These trips are bizzare and Intense, powerfull and spiritual!
I have experienced being Rollen over by a alternate plane Wheel of Pure gold 12 feet diameter rolling me on to the road and being knocked to the ground and stuck their.
I have spoken with a representation of the most High power in this existence, and ben shown How creation and powerplay is distributed. i have had the experience to try and creat my own island. extremely difficult."

That sounds fucking crazy.
Theres no way this was from amanita muscaria.
My friend has bought them online and done them. It was about as exciting as writing this sentence.


Well-Known Member
2 ways of getting high off them.. first way is you can smoke them and get subtle weed like effects, 2nd way is a tea method, in which the active ingredients are actually activated, then they work better than just eating them, you can just eat them also but they dont work on every one that way for some reason, you also have to eat a fucking ton normally, like till your freaking stuffed. i guess with the tea you still have to use alot in comparision with cubes.

when you take enough and actually get the full effects, they are way more than you would expect from a legal mushroom, the rest of the time most people feel there eating bunk stuff and never try it again.

my freinds had to eat near the amount erowid says is close to lethal, just to get some mellow effects from store bought ones, compared to not even half that for fresh ones.


I've picked some that I found growing in Oregon, they were very much red. Ate 6 of the caps as is, still mostly wet. Not a Damn thing.
So I ordered ones off the internet, supposedly siberian ones I think. Made a tea with an assload of them, drank it all. I layed on the couch waiting. Fell asleep.Woke up like an hour later with INTENSE nausea. Felt like I was drunk but clear of mind I guess is how I would explain it. I ended up throwing up due to the nausea, so that might have effected the end result, which was a medium buzz at best. Not my cup of tea I guess.


Well-Known Member
Yeah for the most part they seem not worth it, but for a few, there intense mind blowing devils...

now if you could extract the good stuff out, that might be cool.


Well-Known Member
Apparently they're more intense than cubensis if used correctly. I think you have to brew them to activate the ingredients, and something else.. I need to try it..


Well-Known Member
Apparently they're more intense than cubensis if used correctly. I think you have to brew them to activate the ingredients, and something else.. I need to try it..
yeah there is a process to taking them right, but im not sure how easy it will be to distinguish the truth from rumors.


I doubt they are more intense than cubes. Most of the stuff I read sounds like bs from my experiences. Based off fairy tales and folk lore. Maybe you will have better luck with them than I did. I don't really care too much for the taste of shrooms so eating 6 or more of these big bastards arent worth it to me lol. After failing with these I decided to grow cubes and never looked back. But might as well try them and see for yourself, good luck, let us know how it goes because id consider choking some down again if you have success.


The shamanic culture of South America will tell you differently. Watch the movie altered states..
I would think the shamans in most tribes to use a Ayahuasca brew consisting of DMT. This is what I've come across reading and researching. I'm not doubting its use among the tribes but as far as spiritual journeys its just not up to par in my experiences and that's all I can properly judge off. I've never watched altered states. I read the summary, sounds interesting.


Well-Known Member
Amanita potency varies greatly, one needs to prepare properly and finish off properly, to avoid health issues.

