AMA - UncleBuck


Well-Known Member
IMO Marmite is best when made into a toasted sandwich with cucumber, tomato, lettuce (like a spring or italian mix...not iceberg or romaine) and some thin slices of red onion.
Crack of pepper, and some nice cheddar, you'll be rocking a sammich that makes you say "damn I wish I made two of those muthafuckas!"
Oh, you do need some butter as a base though, to help the marmite spread around. That stuff is potent and stickier than finger rub.

With that as a base recipe, are you willing to try it Buck?
You got a problem w Romaine?


Well-Known Member
You got a problem w Romaine?
In a Marmite sandwich? Yes.
The idea is to get something with flavour in there, like arugula, which one can achieve with a Spring/Italian mix. But if that's all you have, then WTF...go for it. However, it may not be as inspirational on the palate.