Am I permanently fucked?


Well-Known Member
got to take those attacks like a man, not acting mocha but chill out,attacks like that only scare you when you think your out of control but remember you are in control,don't think negative think postive cause, it's all in your mind the brain is more powerful then any drug
we all sometimes have panic attacks my older brother couldn't get up after 4 bags from a volcano,couldn't move kept saying i can't move had to hold on to me,to get him home said felt weird for a week,just relax and go with the flow,it's more enjoyable


Active Member
Wikipedia classifies marijuana as one of the few drugs which fit into the stimulant, depressant, and psychedelic categories of drugs. I am with Leothwyn it sounds like anxiety. Are you under any sort of stress? Statistics show that 20% of marijuana users will exhibit negative side effects.


Active Member
I felt like this once, but it wasn't because I smoked something, it was because my school grades. There is something stressing you, w/e it may be you need to relax, try to go get laid with your girl. maybe that will help relax you, go somewhere fun. But try some good weed and if it happens again know for sure it was laced.


Well-Known Member
can't he just asked if it was laced,depending on the person,or even his sister maybe she would know