Am I just being paranoid? (Pictures inside)

My grow info
starting in party cups
Miracle Grow Organic from home depot ( until next week when I get some FF soil in. I will transplant them into 3 gallon pots.)

PS: SHIT!!!!!!!!!!! The one that looked the best, i accidently knocked it over and the tree with the root with dirt on it came out... I put it back in and propped it up....... will it be ok?

I started my 5 AUTO fems (dinafem cheese auto) 4 days ago. Well they germinated for 3 days. But they have been in the soil 4 days counting today. 1 looks extremely healthy and popped up so fast the other one that has popped up that is the same size has yellowing tips which im worried about. 2 of them are above soil with NO seed on anymore but havent really opened up yet should I be worried? here are a few pics.




Well-Known Member
The one you knocked over should be fine the second pics sprout will open up soon, don't worry so much....have fun.
The one you knocked over should be fine the second pics sprout will open up soon, don't worry so much....have fun.

Trying... but they are looking a bit yellow... and havent opened fully yet... the only thing im worrying about is if the soil im using is causing them to grow slow. Only 2of them are sprouted up and fully open.. and one of them looks like yellow tips.


Well-Known Member
There's a lot of post in here that MG soil is not the best, maybe want to change it, not too sure, I'm not a soil man....good luck....have faith my friend.