Am I doing this right? Greenhorn looking for guidance


Hello, my new is Earl. I am new and green. The only grow knowledge I have is what I have been learning these last couple of months by reading. Anyway, here is my situation. ANY, assistance would be appreciated. I germinated 40 seeds. 10 were feminized, 7 sprouted. The rest were reg. Seeds. I have 28 total plants all were put in 4 inch peat pots between 3-8 days and were all raired under at 2 ft. 4 lamp T5 light on a 18/6 light cycle. Stayed that way for about 19-21 days then I transplanted into 3 gal. Fabric bags using black gold potting soil and water source is from a natural underground Stream that feeds my lake. The day I transplanted, my plants were placed in the full sun for a day. And watered . I noticed absolutely no strain on the plants at Al during this transition. Actually they perked up dramatically!! I finally got them all into the new tent. A 5x5x7. I have two 2ft by 4 ft. 8 lamp 54 watt bulbs. (16) total on an 18 on/ 6 off light cycle. This set up is located in a room in a barn on my property. Not insulated very well but I have an AC going. It keeps it around 74. Humitity between 60-80. I am concerned about my ventilation. My grow ten has several ports that are 10 inches. It came with no directions. Only a picture on how to assemble. As I understand from my research, as long as I can keep the interior of my grow tent between 70-85 degrees, humidity no more than 85% I should be OK right? I had purchased a 6 inch exhaust fan for the tentbut soon discovered this is woefully inadequate. Any suggestions as to intake size , CFM or other issues? I would appreciate any advice. I will be glad to answer any questions about this you may have. Thank you in advance for the assistance! Rendezvous with Destiny!


Well-Known Member
I would anticipate MANY problems if you have RH at 85%

Under 60% should be OK.

Put a better light in that tent n it will help keep that RH down

That 6" should be OK.


Thank you for the reply. Yes, a six inch can fan. Right now, I am stuck with the giant T5's. But as finances permit, I do see the need to upgrade


Well-Known Member
A 6" can fan should handle that little tent easy with T'5s in there. You got a circulation fan blowing the tops of plants ?


Yes. I have 28 plants sitting on a table in the tent. There is about 24 inches under the table that is not being used. I have a 12 inch box fan under there running 24/7. I have all ports closed except the front pirt which I have had to keep unzipped halfway so a 16 inch fan could blow across the tops of the plants between the lights. All plants are between 3-6 inches from the lights. Right now the weather conditions in my area are not bad. Therefore, in my barn area is not to bad. But if the weather were normal, meaning 100 + everyday, my room would struggle to maintain 80 degrees I'm sure. I would really like to zip up that open port so everything is fully enclosed, but I can tell that the six inch fan I have is not going to carry theload. Also, I do have a temp. And humidity monitor in the tent.

Thank you for the time and response.


Well-Known Member
I've never grown in a tent..most of buddies do tho.

Your setup seems odd. If it were me....

I would lose the table n put plants on bottom of tent.
Put a couple clip on circulating fans in the corners .
Cut a 6" piece of flexible duct a few feet long n suck that heat from the lights out of the can fan .

Good luck