Always get this problem when i start up my grow


New Member
i dont know what the problem is but its darker streaks of color in between the viens and lighter to lime green along the veins its happening on all my plants

is it co2? phosforus? ph? magnesium? calcium? zink? or sulphur? over or under watering?

cfl superlemon haze just toped and its like cracked the seed like mid june bs i know

and the other two are hindu kush and super critical they are 3 weeks old and under the 24 sunblaze system at around a foot away too be honest i thinki have a simple over watering problem and they got lighter whitish on new petitols after a nice flush yesterdayIMG_2927.jpgIMG_2866.jpgIMG_2909.jpgIMG_2918.jpgIMG_2921.jpgIMG_2923.jpgIMG_2919.jpgIMG_2864.jpg