Almost harvest time...

wannabe grower

Well-Known Member
Almost harvest time, couple days prior. I want to know how long people have kept their plants in total darkness prior to chopping and drying and what the results were? Any takers?


Well-Known Member
I don't my self. Some say 24 hr others say 48. I do try to time my harvest to cut when the soil is dry and ready for water.


Active Member
36 hours is the proper time, cuz the plant uses its last bits of thc but anytime over 36 hours is just overkill and apparently does nothing but then again ive never even tried this, i plan to for this up coming harvest, but until then its only theoretical

wannabe grower

Well-Known Member
Alright so this thread was overall not very helpful, but that's how it goes sometimes. I ended up letting it go almost 72 hours before cutting. My thought process was, plants are slow to adapt to changes in their environment so go longer would be better.
The buds are highly crystalline, but the strain is White Rhino so that's to be expected.
I clipped a bud off a cpl weeks early for someone to try and he let me know today that is was very good. Good smell and a nice high with minimal effort as far as having to smoke 3 bowls to get buzzed. few good pulls was enough for him.
Now I dry for a lil bit then pass em around. Probably be a few weeks before enough people provide feedback about it.