almost 5 weeks in does she look


New Member
Heres the thing. #1 it looks like youve given her too many nutrients....#2 there isnt much I dont know if its because your using CFL or FIMing but at week 5 I had much more development on the plant......cut back on the nuts a bit n she should be A-OK
funny thing is ive never given her any just the MG soil....i agree shes over ferted... i started out on this grow with 3, 2 turned out male...they were much taller and had way more branching....i counted about 30 bud sites on her.... she was a freak right from the beginning compared to the shes very bushy and thick near the stem... yeah im definately not going to feed her anymore of the bloom booster...I gave her a 1/4 of the recomended dose after the pics.... im going to try some molasses on her though...thanks Dalamar for the advice man....


Active Member
fuck you douchbag im new to this website, and that certainly dosent mean i cant grow weed. you kno that that kid was nuking his shit and he is growin under cfls? wtf. your yield must be like a fucking blunt. so fuck you ur both dumbasses. and you deserved that one homo.


New Member
fuck you douchbag im new to this website, and that certainly dosent mean i cant grow weed. you kno that that kid was nuking his shit and he is growin under cfls? wtf. your yield must be like a fucking blunt. so fuck you ur both dumbasses. and you deserved that one homo.
listen up...its obvious your a teenager running around here trying to pick fights.....and since im the complete opposite...after this reply im going to simply ignore your childish ignorant posts.....we are all here for the same reason...because we love smoking and growing marijauna...some of us our immature like yourself...either your an immature teen or your not very intelligent...its definately one or the other....anyways...we are here to help and to learn off each other... not to come off as unintelligent children (like yourself) came here looking for a fight...calling me a dumbass and what not...your nothing more than a little boy sitting behind a keyboard playing a tough guy...GROW UP will ya.... now im going to be a real man and dismiss you from my existance... you, the grimreefa are simply no more... so go ahead and continue to be a internet anything you say on here from here on out i will simply ignore....tough


New Member
fuck you douchbag im new to this website, and that certainly dosent mean i cant grow weed. you kno that that kid was nuking his shit and he is growin under cfls? wtf. your yield must be like a fucking blunt. so fuck you ur both dumbasses. and you deserved that one homo.
oh and one more thing before i dismiss you from my existence....i for one, am not a 29 years old...and yes i know I overferted my plant...i was asking for advice and comments on how she looked..not for ignorant little smart asses to come here and start throwing insults which is exactly what you did....take care and i really hope you grow up because going through life insulting people wheather it be on the net or in reality will get you nowhere.. but it will get you your ass kicked.....