Allowing seeds to mature on different light cycle


Well-Known Member
has anyone ever tried throwing a female under a 24 or 18 hour light cycle once it has been pollinated? Im wondering if once pollinated, the seeds will continue to develop and become fully mature under longer light cycle even if the flowers cease to develop. Please let me know your thoughts. Cheers!


Well-Known Member
Doubt it will happen. In nature seeds are formed to reproduce being that flowering takes place at the end of the year and the plant thinks she is dying soon. She is only a seasonal plant so without human intervention, she would die. So i doubt seeds can develop if no flowers are developing


Well-Known Member
BUT even if the seeds have started maturing and say it has 3-4 weeks left to turn dark brown and fully mature? If at that point you pulled the female out of 12/12 and put her under 24 hours light, wouldnt the seed just continue to mature? I mean when taking a female plant that is in full flower for over a month and throwing her under 24 hours light, it still can take her up to a full month to revert back to a vegetative state, I feel like by that time, the seeds would be mature, do I sound totally crazy?


Well-Known Member
marijuana lives year around in a lot of places. not everywhere gets temps that are cold enough to kill it. but as far as the light, the plant would go back into the veg stage and start growing again.


Well-Known Member
the plant will go back to the veg phase after about 5 days but show signs in 2 weeks or so, and start to grow distorted leaves as if it was a rejuvenated plant that was reveged after flower was complete
i really do not think the seeds would do anything other than die during this process as the plant reverts back to the veg state
since the new distorted veg regrowth will come from the buds themselves


Active Member
My understanding from reading is that ,once in progress, seeds will finish under 24, 18, whatever. I have not tried this myself. There is natural principle here too: reproduce at all coasts. I remember fwiw, that the person who said this was credible, because that had never occurred to me. Male flowers will continue to open and drop pollen and grow when I move them back to reveg fwiw. By this same token, I think you can finish your seeded buds faster by putting them under 24.


Active Member
Ive had a 3 year indoor plant with 3 harvests. If you trim it down a bit and leave a few flowers then put it under 18/6 or 24 hr she will shoot out new leaders and you can keep her going. also If you let her sit in 12/12 or 10/14 for weeks longer then you should they will also pollinate themselves as a survival mechanism to reproduce. Its in there nature. Its how they have survived millions of years. Also by doing this it almost garuntees another female plant to produce new seeds this from being there is no male chromosome preasent in the genetic material.


Well-Known Member
has anyone ever tried throwing a female under a 24 or 18 hour light cycle once it has been pollinated? Im wondering if once pollinated, the seeds will continue to develop and become fully mature under longer light cycle even if the flowers cease to develop. Please let me know your thoughts. Cheers!
They will develop just fine. Been doing this for a couple of years now.

In fact, what I do is pollinate the pre flowers on clones and then stick them back under veg and harvest seeds in ~5 weeks.

I did this as an experiment a couple years ago to a question about pollinating pre flowers. I had some extra clones (same strain, going on 4 years), and my kid 'special' plant from seed turned out to be a male.

Moved the male and 6 clones outside for a few days then killed the male. Left 3 clones outside (Sept) and put the other 3 back under the veg lights. Sort of a second experiment with the light cycle in addition to the pre flowers.

All developed seeds, but the really happy news was the seeds under the veg lights. All developed very well under 18/6 and after drying, got 100% germination. Outside seeds were ~85-90%.

I've since been using this technique for cubing my long term strain with a selected male for the first cross and then males from each cross back onto a clone. I'm at F3 now and want to get to 90%+ of the genetics of my strain.

Not going to ditch the strain, but seeds would be nice "just in case".

I get ~15-20 seeds off of a 8" or so clone in a party cup.




Well-Known Member
I recently revegged a certain indica,
which during the process of reveg became pollinated.
I haven't checked the seeds though,
the male had pistils so I don't care for them.

I'll post back results.