
Can someone be allergic to the smell, rather than the smoke, of pot? Our upstairs neighbour tells me she has respiratory problems, and that they're aggravated by James's (medicinal) pot smoke. I got him a vapourizer for his birthday, so I told her I'd ask him to use that when he's on the balcony, but I don't really expect that to solve the problem, because I think her real issue is with the smell. My dad had issues with certain smells (flowers, perfumes, and such), and one of my brothers gets horrible headaches from the same sort of thing, but they have to be pretty strong. Also, I think a lot of that sort of problem is caused by the chemical that are added to the products, not the plant essence itself. I'm just a bit sceptical that the smoke from the a floor below is really causing this woman to be sick. Thanks for your help. Elsie


Well-Known Member
First you shouldn't be smoking anything you think chemicals may have been added to... also probly just an old fart who still thinks weed will make your hair fall out. Probly just the fact she can smell it and knows your high.. if not she might just really dislike the smell. But it won't cause a histamine release.. Several studies have shown that THC acts as a bronchodilator in both normal subjects and patients with either chronic bronchial asthma or experimentally induced bronchial spasms. Since irritating effects of THC and tars in marijuana smoke have the potential to produce chronic bronchitis in heavy users, it may seem surprising that many people with asthma find smoked marijuana useful. the bronchodilator effects outweigh the irritation for some patients....the amount of smoke she would be inhaling wouldn't be enough to cause her any distress due to smoke pollutants or some BS.... so she just doesn't like the fact that you smoke and I'm assuming your legal and she cant do anything.....however if you believe it to be a credible complaint. You can.....well I got nothin, smoke inside, tell her when your about to smoke outdoors and her to go inside...

But what is it about perfumes that trigger migraines? How can those sweet smelling fragrances cause such trouble? perfumes and fragrances have become more common -- in detergents, soaps, lotions and shampoos, for example -- and based more on chemical compounds than on natural oils and other natural products, they cause more health problems, including migraines. So, it might not be the scent itself, but the chemical construction of and the increased exposure to the scent that leads to the migraines. Once the migraine is triggered by perfume or any other smell, it develops along the same path as a migraine triggered in any other any case its not a standard histamine reaction. If the smell causes her migraines which I doubt..but still, i think you could just warn her when won't however cause respiratory distress


sounds like a bitchy neighbor brainwashed to hate marijuana, tell her to fucking move if she doesnt like it thats what id say. MY HOUSE MY RULES. end of story