All the small plants are Wilting in my bubbler Plz help!!!

Ph 5.8 ppm 600 dropped it down to 450 today all the small ones are wilting but the larger ones look great any ideas why? I'm using 3 air pumps 4 air stones advanced nutes and tap water that comes out at 50 ppm . I sprayed neem oil 2 days ago and yesterday 2 were wilting so I changed out the water yesterday then when I looked today 4 were wilting
Yea they are clones. all the other plants have huge white roots all of the wilting ones I can't see any roots at all I dropped the ppm to 450 and 5.8 ph and am spraying them with pure water at 5.8ph and sea weed kelp 5.8 .... Any ideas for me ?
Took the wilting ones out of the hydroton the roots wher covered in a dark brown stuff ?washed them off and stuck then back in the netpots the roots them selfs weren't brown just covered in something I'm thinking the neem oil made the nutes stick to the roots ?

Should I be using hydrogenperoksid?


New Member
Brown stuff can be algae or organics, worst case it can root rot but unless you smell a funky smell and your pH drops I wouldn't worry. I'm not a fan of h202 but many people swear by it.

Are you sure that the roots are getting wet enough?
Yea roots are at the bottom of the net pots and they Sit 2" deep in the water and it's only the super lemon haze clones all of the others look fine infact every thing except 4 have huge white / brown roots witch wasn't their 48hr ago

Last weeks nutes were using great white I think that is what was stuck to the roots other wise all the nutes I use are advanced nutes and mostly clear

It smells like a fish tank ...


New Member
It's either that the plants are really stressed and taking time to get over it or you could have the beginning of rot. Obviously they weren't the best condition going in and if there is any doubt in your mind that it could be rot I'd remove the plants since they share the tank with the others which seem healthy.

also when I do DWC I like to start the water level high like you but once the roots grow into the water I let the level drop to give about 2 inches of an air-gap which helps prevent rot as well.

At this point in time just keep an eye on them and it wouldn't hurt to run something in there like a ~zyme product or h202. Also many people use bleach, I have never and can't give any advice on that but you could search for info on it.
Yea they weren't looking great when I got them but most are growing back healthy . I can take the nasty ones out and put them in a diff bubbler marrow . When refilling it yesterday I took about 2 inches of water out prob about 3 gals so all the outer ring of plants are only 1" deep in water and they all look great it's the inside that have more water that's not looking as good. I have advanced nutes sense zyme will that work ?