all odor experts come here plz!


Active Member
my grow box is 1.5'x1.5'x3'tall
do u think that flowering will be a problem with carbon filters on my intake and outtake?

if my mom smells these plants im f*cked
i have 2x plants that im about to put into flowering
plz any info or experience is greatly needed


Well-Known Member
I know you don't want to hear this but you shouldn't risk it. With such a small grow box, and such a high risk of being caught by people you live with, what you will be able to produce won't be worth it.


Well-Known Member
I second the notion... wait until you have your own place. If you really have an urge to grow, then you can always experiment on tomato plants. If you can keep a tomato plant alive for 10 to 11 weeks then you will be ready to roll out your own grow in your first place.

I know you don't want to hear this but you shouldn't risk it. With such a small grow box, and such a high risk of being caught by people you live with, what you will be able to produce won't be worth it.


Well-Known Member
How many ways is there to tell someone never grow in the parents home. Just do not do it. I know some of you kids read these sites and get excited about the possibility of growing fire herb and can not resist. Trust me in the long run wait till you are on your own. Plus the folks could catch hell if your little hobby gets caught. Another thing. Fans make noise!! It is hard to hide that shit.


Well-Known Member
This site is 18+ if your of age then get your own place to grow, otherwise you shouldnt be growing any herb if you want to continue having the LUXURY of living at your parents house and not having to worry about rent and bills and buying food.

It doesnt take long living on your own to realize how easy life at your parents is.