All Natural Weed.


Well-Known Member
Well, I am at least working on getting it as all Natural as you can on the inside, LOL!

These five girls are doing just wonderful so far.

They are at around 23 days from seed and are filling out very nicely.

For someone with limited space, my basic setup, may be something to look into?

The tote that all five are planted in, is 48x18x12in.

They are sharing this space so far with no problems at all.

The girls root systems have taken over the whole tote and they really have space to " stretch their legs " with this setup.

We will see in the next few weeks as they continue to grow " if that stays the same or if they become cramped. "

As you can see, I have a total of four, four foot T12 Flo's for a total of 360 watts.

Four Bulb Tubes on top and two tubes on each side.

This setup, really seems to be helping the girls to bush and grow appropriately and develope much more foliage on the sides, without L.S.T.

In one more week, I will switch them to a 1000, watt HID and will flower them with a 1000watt HPS.

The soil is Organic and mixed with Worm Castings.

I am also using dilluted urea and raw apple cider vinegar and baking soda in their water and will add " a little " Bat Guano to the base of their stems for extra Phos during flowering.

So far so good and once again, " the number one thing that you can give your plant and or anything in this world, IS LOVE! "

Try It!

Be Blessed.........TheNatural



Well-Known Member
That's the way, uh huh, uh huh, I like it!

Looks great! You obviously love your plants a lot.

What's the strain?


Well-Known Member
Thanks, brother.

The strain is called " Carnival " and came from the " "

Supposed to be a pretty exceptional high and smoke, but it is a new strain " to my understanding " and I have not found anyone who has tried it yet?

They smell pretty strong and already have way more white hairs than I have seen on any of my Mid-Grade at this stage in the game.

Seems to be great genes as I got five seeds and all five feminized seeds sprouted with no problems!

Be Blessed....TheNatural


Well-Known Member
No, I am using some natural means for fertilizing.

The soil is organic and it is mixed with worm castings and really the worm castings seem to give them all that they need at this point.

I do use a little well dilluted urine for nutrients and they seem to love it as I also have a very good way of eating myself and am healthy.

I will use a little Bat Guano during flower and that will be pretty much it, except for an occasional foliar spray with worm tea and pure maple syrup or molasses.

Should have started a grow journal, but I am new and did not know how to at the time.

Will start a journal next time and will keep up the updates on these girls.

Be Blessed, TheNatural

Blind Melon Farmer

Active Member
I'm anxious to see your review of "Carnival". The description on Ministry made my mouth water.
I wish you all the best with that grow, sounds very well thought out.


Active Member
wow cool cool all looks good i am using a fery similar method in my veg stage and i love it GO GO bushies !!!!!!!!!

dirt clean

Well-Known Member
I was just reading that urea will kill micro-organisms and the like, I am not clear on which ones or if they are bacteria or whatever but I do know that while it is a source fo N it will kill our freinds in the soil, which we as organic gardeners depend on too feed the plant.

Also I have heard pissing on your feet in the shower will do the same thing. Kill fungus. Urea is from urine.

I have heard a long rumor on this site that it is a bad idea to feed with urine. That may be why.

IDK though, I know I am on it as I am starting an outdoor garden for good smelling herbs and I bought the cheap soil and it is full of that urea shit. So i gotta take it back cuz it wil kill all my eawesome mj products whcih contain little critters.

at least i think so, just a heads up. ;)

dirt clean

Well-Known Member
Good cheap N that is fast and OMRI certified is alsaka fish fert for 7 bucks at home depot. Also Sunleaves bat guano I shipped and it took like a day from ebay. I use Bio Bizz.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys!

Just wanted too let you know that as far as using urea, I have had no problems and my live worms and myco fungi are flourishing in the soil.

One reason possibly for my good fortune in using it, is that my way of eating myself is pretty pristine.

I only eat raw foods and meats in there most natural forms and the only thing I drink is water and blended fruit and veggie drinks.

This may be why I am doing so well with it, but I only use like a cup of urine in five gallons of water, so it is well dilluted.

Here are a couple pictures from yesterday as they have been switched too a 1000 watt HID for the remainder of Veg and I can see why so many like the big lights as they sure put off their share of brightness for sure!

Now the girls are seemingly putting less concentration into growing tall and much more into filling out.

The Carnival girls in the middle are really great looking girls for sure.

Five seeds came and five seeds are now beautiful plants.

They really look like they may wind up being a smoke to write home about for sure.

Be Blessed, TheNatural

