Alfalfa Meal

Is dehydrated alfalfa meal still ok to use for plant? This is i can get:-? If so i can just lay it around my plants and water it in? or mabey mix with water? i also just picked up some blacksrap molasses, i just mix it with the water right? thanks alot for the help, im new at this:joint:
You can top dress it at 1 TBS per gallon of soil right on top and rake it in about 1 inch into the soil. Water daily as usual, and in 5-7 days you will notice a huge difference in your plants. I also advise using a tea, which can be done by putting 2 TBS per gallon of water and bubbling/agitating/shaking for 18-24 hrs. I would put in worm castings at the same rate as well for an extra little boost.


Active Member
dont just dump in all in water. You should make a tea with it for the best results. Here you go:

couple notes: instead of adding hydrogen peroxide just throw a good airstone in the bucket connected to a pump to keep the water oxygenated and keep agitating the teabags. Also, for an organic fertilizer that contains trace minerals: liquid seaweed and worm castings are good choices. Kelp meal too, but liquid seaweed is better for teas.