

Well-Known Member
does anyone know where i could find a list of marijuana strains with their measurement in albedo?? im curious to find out which strain has the most reflective leaves, therefore needing less light. if anyone could help with any info relating Albedo and marijuana that would be great!!!


Well-Known Member
Drop the notion of finding MJ specific data on that, your best bet would be to see what info you can extrapolate and apply to cannabis from mainstream botany resources..


Well-Known Member
ya i was doing that just wanted to know if anyone had previously done it or had previous knowledge from a article or reading they had done. i have absolutely seen a difference in the reflectivity on different mj strains. seems like the more sativa in the strains have had more reflective leaves. and the reason i want specefic info on mj is because thats wat im applying it to. im not a super botanists by anymeans so i cant go out there and test my hypothesis. i just wanted some info or help by anyone that does know.


Well-Known Member
You can make a spectrometer out of an old dvd, and a razor blade, there was an article that had blueprints for it in Popular Science a while back.. Probably not tough to google.. I don't think you'd get the resolution needed to explore that, but I could be wrong if you're immaculate about construction and test conditions..


Well-Known Member
You can make a spectrometer out of an old dvd, and a razor blade, there was an article that had blueprints for it in Popular Science a while back.. Probably not tough to google.. I don't think you'd get the resolution needed to explore that, but I could be wrong if you're immaculate about construction and test conditions..
haha ya im definetely not that immaculate. but i will check out that article. thanks. anymore info you got??


Well-Known Member
just checked that video and im not sure how the spectrometer would be helpful in answering which strains have better albedo. are you telling me to try and read the spectrum that is reflected off the leaf?


Well-Known Member
Basically if you look at light reflected off the leaf through the device you MIGHT be able to differentiate between intensities at various wavelengths, and the less intensity that is displayed in the spectrometer, the better the absorbancy at that wavelength.. Quantitative analysis is pretty much impossible, but qualititatively you MIGHT get an inkling.. I'm really not optimistic, but heck, if thats the kind of thing that interests you, then that contraption would be a nifty thing to own..


Well-Known Member
haha im just curious to know whether there is info out there. i know that albedo plays with how much light and water a plant needs to survive, so if we can apply that marijuana it may be possible to find a strain which can be grown under less intense light while still reaching mediocre or average results. ive only got three strains and i can pick out which that has the more reflective leaves by looking at them, but i dont have enough rooms to seperate them and really experiment with which takes more or less light and so on...

it seems like its a dead end for now...


Well-Known Member
Think geography for that.. Plants evolved where they evolved, the way they did for a reason.. Generally, the more indica/ruderalis you go, the more light it will try to snag, while the more sativa you go, the more defensive it is toward light/heat.. Obviously leaf size/shape portrays that, perhaps pigmentation as well..
Any idea where purple plants evolved??