Ak47 Autos, Diesel Ryder Autos, Sour Cream, Kush #1, Tangerine Dream, and Big Band


Well, this here is my 1st GJ on this site. Hope you guys like what you'll be seeing up on this page.

So, the title basically says it all. I've got

2 Ak47 Female Autos
3 Diesel Ryder Female Autos
1 Sour Cream
1 Tangerine Dream
2 Pakistani Female Autos
1 Big Band

Plus.... I just took 4 cuttings from my Kush #1

The setup is as follows. I am growing in a 4x4x7 Mylar encrusted tent. I have a 456 inline fan, 600 watt HPS grow light with Euro Style aircooled hood, speed control, carbon filter...... I'm using FFOF as my medium and I really don't use vegging nutes. I basically only use Bloom, or this Beastie Bloomz.

tn[1] (5).jpgThese are the Big Band & Sour Cream
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And Over here are the cuttings of the Kush #1 That I took.
tn[1] (6).jpg

And this is the crew in the tent now. This whole thing is getting ready to get rearranged. I'll be adding 7- 2 gal grow bags tomorrow or Friday. And then I'll be
putting 4 more 2 gal grow bags in with them as soon as the cuttings take root.

tn[3] (3).jpg

I'll be adding some more pics tomorrow when I get things more situated. It's like
total chaos right now because of everything I have going at the moment. Oh man,
what I would do to have a girl who's interested in growing too!!!! I don't think it
could get any better than that!


Well-Known Member
Let me know how it goes with the tangerine dream. A lot of people are having issues with them not germinating or germinating then dying pretty quick. Be careful she's a sensitive bitch.:idea: Happy Growing!:clap: