Ak 47 Harvest Time?

heres some pics of my grow under a 1000 watt hps. this round got kinda f....ed cus i was dealing with an over fert problem then a ph problem, way to acidic soil will be using dolomight lime next time. but anyways they look ready to go but under a microscope im not seein any amber and about half clowdy?? ive grown this in the past i a always get alot of amber? there into 4 days of flush so there ready to go imo.
btw i used ffof
ff nutes with a lil epsom salt.
some mollasas twards the end.
ph at 6.5 goin in.
70-75 room temp.
was fertalizing at 1700 ppm every other water there for a lil bit
they look shity cus im lazy at picking dead leaves

